Monday, November 5, 2018

Dassault Rafale Fighter Jet Technical Specifications


English name : Squall
Type : Multirole fighter

History :
Ordered ( as Avion de Combat Tactique ; ACT ) to replace French Air Force Jaguars and ( as Avion de Combat Marine; ACM) to replace Navy Crusaders and Super Etendards; First flight of Rafale A prototype( F-ZKRE) 4 July 1986; first flight with SNECMA M88 replacing one GE F404 , 27 February 1990 ( was 461st flight overall); 867th sortie on 24 January 1994.  ACE International ( Avion de Combat Europeen ) GIE set up in 1987 by Dassault Aviation, SNECMA( now SAFRAN) , Thomson- CSF ( now Thales), and Dassault Electronique.
Four pre-production aircraft. C01 , first flight 19 May 1991; M01 first flight 12 December 1991; B01 first flight 30 April 1993; and M02, first flight 8 November 1993 . Used for various trials of of naval (M) , airforce (B,C) and common equipment and avionics .
Production launch officially authorised , 23 December 1992 ( and 31 December 1992 for M88-2 power plant ). First Rafale B and Rafale M ordered 26 March 1993 ; first production aircraft ( Rafale B No. 301 ) flew 24 November 1998 and made 'inaugural' ( official ) first flight 4 December 1998; to CEV ( Centre d'Essais en Vol ; Flight Test Center ) at Istres, early 1999, for development of F2 production standard. First production Rafale M ( No. 1 ) flew at Bordeaux 7 July 1999. Rafale had by then accumulated over 4000 sorties.

Test airframe , in Rafale M configuration, delivered to CEAT ( Centre d'Essais Aéronautiques de Toulouse ; Toulouse Aeronautical Test Center )   at Toulouse for ground trials on 10 December 1991. Between 17 December 1991 and 2 March 1993, completed 10,000 simulated flights, including 3,000 catapult take-offs and 3,000 deck landings. Rafale structural validation achieved 15 December 1993.
French Air Force preference switched to operational two-seat ( pilot and WSO ( Weapons Systems Officer ) ) derivative of Rafale C in 1991; announced 1992 that 60% of procurement to be two-seat, although 16 aircraft deleted from requirementss at this time. Procurement target further reduced later. Two-seat version of naval Rafale announced September 2000 .
Funding constraints and French government demands for cost reduction,resulted in suspension of Rafale programme in Novemeber 1995 and temporarily blocking of most 1996 funds. Plans were simultaneously abandoned for progressively more sophisticated service standards of Rafale ( Standard Utilisateur 0,1 and 2 ) and replaced by a common French military standard and an export parallel, although initial three basic software standards ( F1 to F3 ) phased-in operational capabilities.
Work on production Rafales temporarily halted in April 1996. On  22 January 1997, dassault and French Defence ministry agreed on 48 aircraft multiyear  prcurement  ( 1997 - 2002 ) in return for a 10% cost reduction , effectively relaunching the programme. This initiative, lapsed with the change of the government after June 1997, but reinstated in January 1999, with firm orders for 28, plus 20 options, covering deliveries between 2002 and 2007. Contract awarded January 2000 for development of F2 standard rafale, representing first capability upgrade. F3 standard authorised 18 February 2004. First production aircraft completed late 1998; second and third ( No. 302 and M1 ) delivered CEV trials unit late 1999/ early 2000 . First delivery to Landivisiau base in December 2000;  M2 and M3 to Landivisiau naval air station December 2000 ; first naval squadron, 12F, formed 18 May 2001 and achieved planned strength of 10 Rafale in September 2002; first operational carrier deployment by 4 aircraft ( M2 to M5 ) aboard FS Charles de Gaulle for exercise Trident d'Or Mediterranean, 21 to 29 May 2001. Initial F2 standard Rafale M, No. 11 , delivered to CEAM ( Centre d'Expertise Aérienne Militaire ; Military Air Force Expertise Center ) at Mont-de-Marsan on 19 May 2006.
First three Rafales for French Air Force delivered to conversion squadron EC 5/330 Cote d'Argent within CEAM trials establishment at Mont-de-Marsan : No. 304 on 22 December 2004 ; No. 305 on 28 December ; No. 303 on 29 December . Unit formed basis of EC 1/& 'Provence' , which declared operational at Saint Dizier on 27 June 2006 with initial equipment of eight Bs and four Cs , having transferred first 4 ( No.s 308 to 311 ) from Mont-de-Marsan on 20 April 2006 . First Airforce single-seat aircraft ( C102 ) delivered 3 June 2005 . By 2007, EC 1/7 was fully equipped with five single-seat and sixteen two-seat Rafales .
Associated programmes include Thales electronic scanning RBE2 ( Radar a bavalage Electronique deux plans ) multimode radar, ordered November 1989 ; test flights begun in Falcon 20 No. 104, 10 July 1992; first RBE2 flight in Rafale 7 July 1993 (B01); first production RBE2 flew on 16 October 1997 in a Falcon 20 before being refitted in Rafale B01 from November 1997 . development authorised in early 1999 of upgraded RBE2 version ( full air-to-ground weapons capability ) for 2003 delivery and installation in F2 standard Rafales . AESA version of RBE2 covered by initial contract calling for delivery orof four ( later reduced to three ) units to French Air Force in 2010, with full-scale manufacture authorised in 2009 for fourth Rafale batch, 60 radars. First production-standard trial radar delivered to French Air Force in August 2010, although 10 development radars had flown in various testbeds up to that time.
Thales/MBDA defensive aids package named Spectra ( Systems pour la Protection Electronique Centre Tous les Rayonnenents Adverses ) ; wholly internal IR detection, laser warning , electromagnetic detection, missile approach warning, jamming and chaff/flare launching ; nine prototypes ordered; total weight 250 kg (551 lb ); Spectra trials begun on Mirage 2000 in 1992 while full suite installed in Falcon 20 No. 252 by Dassault at Istres between December 1992 and September  1994 before flight trials ; Spectra flown in rafale M02 on 20 December 1996 at launch of integration programme at CEV Istres . Development contract awarded 1991 for Thales OSF ( Optronics Secteur Frontal ) with IRST, FLIR and laser range-finder in two modules ahead of windscreen; surveillance tracking and lock-on by port module; target identification, analysis and optical identification by starboard module; combined output in pilot's head-level display ; initially tested in Mirage 2000BOB. In December 2004, it was acknowledged that early Rafle would lack Spectra and OSF ( 48 sets of latter ordered by that ) pending definition of new-generation systems, revised OSF delivery target being 2011-12.
M88 engine, which has flown only on Rafales, achieved type certification on 22 March 1996. First of initial production batch of forty two M88-2 engines delivered by SNECMA 30 December 1996. Conformal fuel tanks flight tested in April 2001.
Initial French Air Force weapon configurations approved 6 October 2006 for incorporation from January 2009. Primary attack fit of six 250 kg GBU-12 bombs beneath wings, plus 250 kg Damocles designator pod; one 1,000 kg GBU-24 on ventral hardpoint ; or two SCALP ASMs , one under each wing. AAM fit of six missiles available from end of 2007 . First drop of AASM LGB from Rafale C No. 101 at Cazaux on 26 July 2006 .
BAE MICA AAM integration completed 5 July 2000, after 27 launches . First Meteor firing on 28 April 2015 from B301 at Biscarosse .
The 250 Kg MK-82 bomb integration completed on the Rafale. The first firings were performed on March 14, 2017 at the Captieux firing range.

NATO Tiger Meet :
Participated at NATO Tiger Meet 2016 at BA Zaragoza Airfield in Spain between 16 May to 27 May 2016, and at NATO Tiger Meet 2017 at BAN ( Base Aeronavale )  Landivisiau , France , between 05 June to 16 June, 2017,  and at NATO Tiger Meet 2018 at Poznań-Krzesiny Airbase, Poland  between 14 May to 25 May 2018.

The French Senate tallied the Rafale program at EUR 43.56 billion over 40 years, at 2011 prices. That figure was for 286 forecast aircraft, and the EUR 152 million per-plane. Current plans call for delivery of 225 Rafale B/C/M aircraft .Cutting production totals to 225 worsens per-plane raises the development cost average per plane, and slowed production will raise actual per-plane fixed costs. By September 2013, 121 Rafales had been delivered: 38 Rafale-M, 39 Rafale B, and 44 Rafale C. As of October 2014, the total had risen to 133. The first operational Rafale-M aircraft was delivered in 2000, to the Marine Nationale, and the type entered full service in 2004, in the F1 configuration. Plans call for eventual delivery of up to 60 Rafale Ms, delivered or upgraded to at least the F3 standard.The end of 2004 saw initial delivery of 2-seat Rafale B fighters to the French air force, and 2005 saw delivery of the 1st single-seat Rafale C. The aircraft entered service with the air force in 2006. All Rafale B/C fighters have been delivered as F2s or F3s.By 2006, the French armed forces had ordered just 120 Rafales (82 Rafale A-C for the Armée de l’Air, 38 Rafale M for the Marine Nationale) of the planned 294. About 70 had been delivered by 2009, when a new French purchase raised the order book to 180 Rafales; but 2009 also saw production cut from 14 to 11 aircraft per year. This is seen as the minimum necessary to maintain the production line, and keeping the line at even that minimum capacity required an extra EUR 1.1 billion during 2009-2014 budget period, to bring forward 17 orders planned for later years.The challenge for the following 2015-2019 budget period was to finalize the export orders necessary, in order to maintain production while French orders were cut again.

CATIA Plan View

Design Features:

Multirole combat aircraft , rivalling Eurofighter Typhoon ; designated "omnirole" to describe simultaneous air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities. Twin engine canard delta wing fighter jet .  Design started in 1982 .  Equipped with a wide range of weapons, the Rafale is intended to perform air supremacy, interdiction, aerial reconnaissance, and nuclear strike missions. Minimum weight and volume structure to hold costs to minimum; thin, mid-mounted delta wing with moving canard; individual fixed, kidney-shaped intakes without shock cones. HOTAS ( Hands On Throttle And Stick ) control, with sidestick controller on starboard console and small-travel throttle lever.
The Rafale features a compound-sweep low-mounted main wing, and all-moving high-mounted canard foreplanes mounted just behind the cockpit. The wing has full-span elevons and leading edge slats. On the prototypes, there was an airbrake on either side of the fuselage, just forward of the tail, but the airbrakes were deleted in production machines.
The Rafale is aerodynamically unstable to provide agility; the machine features a digital "fly-by-wire (FBW)" system to keep it flying right. The fighter also has excellent short-field capabilities. A brake parachute is fitted in a fairing below the tailfin.
Rafale's beefed up airframe and intakes, allow it to carry some 2.5 times its own empty weight, carrying a mix of different weapon system for both Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground Roles. For Air-to-Air, it can carry METEOR, MICA, MAGIC-II Missiles while for Air-to-Ground Role it can carry APACHE, Storm Shadow and Hammer Missiles. It can also be armed for the anti-shipping role with Exocet Block 2 Anti-Ship Missile and for Nuclear Deterrence with an ASMP-A nuclear missile. Rafale being a tradeoff in air-to-air capabilities with better payload capability, allows it to perform multiple jobs single-handedly effectively making it "Omnirole".

Dassault used their CATIA ( Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application )  digital design system for the Rafale, bringing the company out of the printed-blueprint age, and into the digital age.
Wind tunnel testing done by ONERA Office national d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales . CTA ( Aeronautical Technologies Centre ) performed belly fairing bird strike certification tests and engine burst out fuselage impact test. CT Ingenierie Systems performed primary and secondary structure test and hydraulic system test.
The aircraft has a fixed, removable inflight refueling probe mounted on the upper right side of the nose, and tricycle landing gear. The nose gear has twin wheels while the main gear have single wheels, all retracting forward. The Rafale is designed to be reliable and easy to maintain under austere field conditions.
All components of modular design ( including engine), replaceable at base engineering level; Rafale does not need ever to leave its operational station for maintenance, thus lowering overall MRO ( maintenance, repairing, operations ) cost .
Wing leading-edge sweepback approximately 48 degree.
Rafale is capable of withstanding from −3.6g to 9g (10.5g on Rafale solo display and a maximum of 11g can be reached in case of emergency).
High rate of survivality due to optimized airframe and wide range of smart and discrete sensors. Capable of performing multiple functions at same time like air-to-air BVR ( Beyond Visual Range) firings, during very low altitude terrain following penetration phase. This give the Rafale impressively broad 'omnirole' capabilities along with an extremely high degree of survivality.
Rafale features a delta wing with close-coupled canards. CFD ( Computational fFuid Dynamics) simulation designed close coupling between the wings and the canards, to ensures a wide range of centre of gravity positions for all flight conditions, as well as excellent handling throughout the whole flight envelope. The close-coupled canards / delta wing configuration is key to the combat performance of the Rafale: even at high angle-of-attack, it remains fully agile, and its range performance in strike missions with heavy weapon loads is unmatched for such a compact design. Close-coupled delta-canard wing offers significantly higher maximum lift coefficient and positive trim lift on all control surfaces. Further, canards and wing control surfaces overlap in their functionality, unlike with horizontal tail configuration, leading to improved damage resistance. Rafale’s close-coupled canards will allow purely aerodynamic spin recovery. Also Rafale’s close coupled canards will reduce pressure point shift with increased speed, allowing Rafale to remain aerodynamically unstable at higher speeds than non-canard configuration would.
It is able to carry out a very wide range of missions: Air-defense / air-superiority, Anti-Access/Area Denial, Reconnaissance, Close air support, Dynamic Targeting, Air-to-ground precision strike/interdiction, Anti-ship attacks, Nuclear deterrence, Buddy-buddy refueling.

Canard vs Conventional Wing Setup


Rafale A :
Technology demonstrator, first flew in 1986

Rafale B :
Originally planned two-seat, dual-control version; weight envisaged as 350 kg (772 lb) more than Rafale C; 3 to 5% higher cost than Rafale C. Being developed into fully operational variant for either pilot/WSO ( Weapons System Officer) or single-pilot combat capability. Serial numbers begin at 301. Achieved IOC ( Initial Operation Capability ) in 2006 at unitary cost of EUR 70.63 million. First two assigned to Dassault at Istres by 2004, both in F2 avionics configuration. F2 and F3 standards as for Rafale M. No.s B301 and B302, nominally F1 but upgraded to F2 for trials and B302(at least) to F3. No.s B303 to B327 built as F2, and for upgrade to F3, of which B306 was first redelivered F3, September 2008. No. B328 was first production F3, delivered September 2008, and 11 delivered by July, 2009, or 38 in all, this exceeding by three the number of Rafale Bs included in procurement upto 2004. Delivery of B339 to DGA ( Direction générale de l'armement - Ministère des Armées ) on 12 September 2013, and to CEAM ( Centre d'Expériences Aériennes Militaires ) on 17 September 2013 marked beginning of Tranche 4 production ( equipment standard F3-O4T ) .
Rafale B is very similar to the Rafale C, except of course for the tandem seats. The two seats are covered by a one-piece canopy that hinges open to the right. The Rafale B is fully equipped with operational kit, and the control layout for the front and back seats is as similar as possible to ensure maximum operational flexibility. It has an empty weight about 350 kilograms (772 pounds) greater than the Rafale C, and less internal fuel capacity.
Rafale B was originally seen primarily as a conversion trainer, to be purchased in small quantities. It was believed that improvements in aircraft avionics would allow the pilot of the single-seat Rafale C to perform all operational missions. However, the Gulf War in 1991 suggested to the AA ( Armed de l'Air )  that strike and reconnaissance missions often required two aircrew, and so the service then increased the proportion of two-seaters in their buy.

Rafale C :
Single-seat combat version for Armee de l'Air, delivered to ECE 05.330 on June 2004. Serial numbers begin at 101, first flown 16 April 2003. First aircraft to F2 standard with Dassault test fleet at Istres, 2004. F2 and F3 standards as for Rafale M.

Rafale D :
Dassault used this designation (D for discrète) in the early 1990s to emphasise the new semi-stealthy design features

Rafale EM/DM :
Designations for single and two-seat versions, respectively for Egypt. As French equivalents, but with nuclear weapons capability and NATO communications equipment deleted.

Rafale M:
Naval aircraft version for Aeronavale . Single-seat carrierborne fighter; serial numbers begin at 1 . Navalisation weight penalty, 610 kg ( 1,345 lb ); has 80% structural and equipment commonality with Rafale C, 95% systems commonality . Navy's financial share of French programme cut in 1991 from 25% to 20% . Rafales M1 to M10 built to F1 standard; M11 to M26 supplied from 19 May 2006 onwards as F2s; M27 and upwards are F3s. Total of 39 Rafale Ms delivered by late 2013, M39 to CEPA  (Centre d’Expérimentations Pratiques de l’Aéronautique navale ; Naval Aviation Practical Experimentation Center  ) naval trial unit in October 2013 ) being first with AESA, DDM-NG self defence and OSF sensor turret. Strengthened to withstand the rigours of carrier based aviation with stronger landing gear and longer nose gear leg to provide a more nose-up attitude for catapult launches. Centre pylon deleted to give more space to landing gear. Large stinger type tailhook between the engines. Carrier microwave landing system. Built-in power operated boarding ladder. Telemir inertial reference platform that can receive updates from the carrier systems.
Rafale M is very similar to the Rafale C, the only really visible differences being taller, longer nose gear with catapult attachment fixtures, and fit of a stinger-type arresting hook under the tail. The longer nose gear, which gives the Rafale M a nose-up attitude on the ground, required removal of the front centerline stores pylon. ( The Rafale C and B actually do have a runway arresting hook, but it is much less prominent ) . The Rafale M requires a much more formidable hook since a carrier jet snags the cable at full throttle in case the landing is a "bolter", and the aircraft has to come around for another try. Other changes to the Rafale M include a stronger airframe and main gear to withstand "smackdown" landings on carriers; a built-in, power-operated pilot boarding ladder; a carrier MLS ( Microwave Landing System ) that makes landings procedure much easier than with earlier French carrier aircraft; and a "Telemir" inertial navigation system that can obtain position reference data from the carrier. The modifications to the Rafale M added about 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) to its empty weight relative to the Rafale C. In the interests of commonality with other Rafale variants, the Rafale M does not have folding wings.  It is the only non-US fighter type cleared to operate from the decks of US carriers, using catapults and their arresting gear, as demonstrated in 2008 when six Rafales from Flottille 12F integrated into the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Air Wing interoperability exercise

Rafale Mk 2 :
Export version, under active consideration by 2000 , featuring active antenna radar, M88-3 engines 88.3 kN ( 19,850 lb st ) each . To have been available from 2006 ; conformal tanks and Damocles laser target designator . Development cost estimated in 2001 as EUR 1.3 billion ; joint venture agreed in January 2001 by Dassault, Thales and SNECMA ; offered unsuccessfully to South Korea.

Rafale N :
Originally called the Rafale BM, was a planned missile-only two-seater version for the Aéronavale.Budgetary and technical constraints have been cited as grounds for its cancellation

Rafale DH :
Two-seater version for the Indian Air Force.

Rafale EH :
Single-seat version for the Indian Air Force.

Rafale R :
Proposed reconnaissance-oriented variant


F1 : Initial operational software standard for Rafala M , permitted air defence missions against multiple targets using MAGIC and radar-homing version of MICA ; self-defence provided by SPECTRA system.

F2 : Apllied to both naval and airforce. Rafales delivered from late 2004 ( 16 Ms, 25 Bs and seven Cs) and combined F1 with air-to ground radar modes and the ability to launch IR-guided MICA, SCALP and AASM weapon as well as GP-guided bombs ( from late 2007 ) and the ability to carry two SCALP and four MICA missiles in conjunction with three 2,200-litre external tank. OSF electro-optics suite and MIDS  (Multifunctional Information Distribution System ) datalink. Early F2.1 lacked AASM bomb and SPECTRA self-defence capability

F3 : F3 standard provides full capability to naval and airforce , including air-to-sea attack, AM39 and ASMP-A weapons, refuelling and reconnaissance pods, and HMD (Helmet-Mounted Display) . Does not have DDM self defence system or OSF sensor.

Post F3 standard : Contracted in 2006 , involves AESA RBE2 radar with almost double range and LGB ( Lase Guided Bomb ) capacity with GBU-12 and GBU-24 , using Damocles designator pod .  This applies initially to 60 aircraft approved in 2009, to be known as F3 Road Map ( Carte routière ; in French ) but divided as F3.3 ( from 2012 ), F3.3 and F3.4+ ( from 2014 ) . ( Upgrade subdivided as F3.3, including Link 16 improvements, GBU-22 and GBU-24 Paveway III guided bombs; and F3.4 with computer enhancements ) . Upgraded ( AESA ) radar installed in production rafales from 2013, but no plans to modify first 120 aircraft . Road Map aircraft will gain OSF-IT ( Improved Technology ) which dispenses with IR sensor and employs only TV; first such aircraft is C137. Improved missile approach warning on Road Map aircraft aircraft obtained from DDM-NG ( Next Generation ). However due to urgent operational requirement Damocles pod was brought forward to end of 2008 on existing Rafales. Tranche 4 aircraft ( 60 ordered in 2009 ) defined as F3-O4T standard, with AESA , DDM-NG and OSF-IT.

F3R : The ultimate production standard further refined as F3-R, for which a risk reduction contract was signed in December 2012. Industrial negotiations on F3-R were completed on 30 December 2013 and official announcement of EUR 1 billion contract was made on 10 January 2014 . Flight trial began at Istres in April 2014. F3-R to be incoprporated in Tranche 4 Rafales , featuring software enhancements to make full use of RBE2-AA radar, Meteor long range air-to-air missile integration, SB-54 laser AASM smart bomb integration, improvements to SPECTRA , IFF interrogator/transponder, with full Mode-5/Mode-S compatibility. Further improvements to Link 16 tactical datalink, AGCAS, naval buddy refuelling pod, TALIOS designation pod and new operating modes for RECO-NG pod. Deployment in 2018. All aircrafts to be modified.

F4 : undefined F4 standard receiving early consideration for implementation in mid 2020s . On 20 March 2017, the French Minister for Defense, Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian, authorized the start of development of the new RAFALE F4 standard. French Ministry of Defense, the Defense procurement agency (DGA - Direction générale de l'armement ), the French Air Force and the Navy issued necessary clearance to Dassault Aviation. As early as 2023, a first version of the F4 standard will follow the F3-R standard, scheduled for qualification in 2018, stated Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation. Dassault and the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) will soon begin a six-year development phase of the next-generation Rafale F4. The aircraft will introduce new capacities empowered by the modern missile and engine technologies.

The key improvements would be improved net-centric capabilities (New data links, satcom) , RBE-2 AESA upgrade, SPECTRA upgrade , OSF IRST (New IR channel for the OSF) , M88 engine upgrade (AB thrust > 8 T) ( After Burner Thrust ) , Mica NG missile integration , AASM missile upgrade, mid-life upgraded Scalp ( StormShadow ) missile. A fifth production tranche will be ordered during the next LPM ( Loi de Programmation Militaire ; Miliary Planning Law  ; Multi-year military procurement plan)  of 2019-2025 . The first fully equipped F4 aircraft are expected to enter service in 2025, though certain functions will be available in 2023. It will be part of the fifth production tranche (2019-2025), delivering on French and export orders. Due to the relatively short span of the program, it will focus mainly on capabilities based on software and limited hardware upgrades. The program could introduce significant airframe changes, as part of the Rafale’s mid-life modifications. The upgrades will include cockpit redesign or introduction of low-observability modifications to better position this 4.5 generation fighter against modern and future fighters. The F4 standard will incorporate operational experience feedback and enable continuous improvement of the RAFALE to be maintained. F4 standard , to be delivered from 2025, with features as improved AESA software, including enhancements such as electronic attack capabilities; improved SPECTRA self-defense system; improved TVC ( Thrust Vectoring Control ) and much-improved datalink connectivity. There will be a "mid-life upgrade" in the post-2025 timeframe that would be stealthier and have extensive conformal antennas, and a next-generation "Rafale NG" in the 2035 timeframe, with substantial airframe modifications for stealth or increased fuel.
The new  MAST-F ( missile spécifique de l’aérocombat ) , a next-generation dogfighting missile, will be ordered after 2023 , and will integrated with the Rafale F4 .  The LPM calls for development of the   ASMP Amelioré missile, designated ASN4G, beginning in 2020 , in parallel with the new carrier F4 Rafale aircraft. Rafale F4 to be also integrated with the new MALE ( Medium Altitude, Long Endurance ) drone platform .  Moeover a SCAF ( Système de Combat Aérien Futur ; Future Air Combat System ) will cover the development and the production of systems of F4 standard Rafale. SCAF will be a system of interconnected platforms and weapons (aircraft, combat drones, future cruise missiles and other weapons, command and control, intelligence system), centered around the multi-purpose Rafale F4 combat aircraft. F4 standard Rafale will also be integrated with the upcoming MUSIS ( Multinational Space-based Imaging System for Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Observation ) . Rafale F4 will also perform synergistically with the new SIGINT ( signal intelligence ) CUGE (Capacité Universelle de Guerre Electronique—universal electronic warfare capability) Epicure Falcon aircraft .
French Armed Forces Ministry stated that in addition to increased connectivity and improved defensive and offensive capabilities, Rafale’s F4 standard will reinforce Rafale’s attractiveness compared to its competitors . New laser designation pods will  also be integrated with F4 standard Rafale  by 2023.

Standard/Serial/Version and Quantity:

F1 --- B301-302 ----2
F3-O4T-----B339-363----25----(B352-354 diverted to Egypt)
F3-O4T---DM03-06-----3----(Delivered to Egypt)


Provision for more than 780 kg (1,720 lb ) of avionics equipments and racks.
The avionics package comprises displays (head-up and head down), Direct Voice Input (DVI ) voice recognition sensors, probes, the modular data processing unit as well as core software applications and power generation systems. DVI capabilities allows the pilot to perform actions through spoken commands. allowing a range of aircraft functions to be controlled by spoken voice commands, simplifying the pilot's access to many of the controls. The DVI system has a vocabulary of 90 to 300 words, with first-time recognition 95% of the time.
Rafale is fitted with Thales RBE2/AA AESA radars ( active electronic scanning array antenna ) , the SPECTRA electronic warfare system, optronics and the communication, navigation, identification suite, 360° threat detector (MBDA's missile approach warning system) and a frontal sector optics set (Sagem's FSO-IT), SIGINT/ELINT ( Signal Intelligence / Electronic Intelligence ) sensors, In Flight Tactical Data Link 16 ( TDL-16 ) all designed to improve data fusion and situational awareness.
Rafale also have Thales Areos Reco-NG nacelle (Areos for Airborne REconnaissance Observation System) (2,000-pound digital recce pod) IEWS ( Information and Electronic Warfare System ) .
RECO-NG contains day-night electro-optical sensors in a rotating turret, resident processing power, a solid-state recorder, and a high-speed datalink.

Damocles Pod

RECO-NG is compliant with NATO  ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) STANAG ( Standardization Agreement) 7023 and 4545 standards for imagery, and STANAG 7085 for tactical datas and timely day/night all weather IMINT ( image intelligence ) collection capabilities at long stand-off and short ranges  for  RSTA (reconnaissance, and surveillance target acquisition ) and to feed correct information into the observe, orient, decide and act (OODA) decision cycle  for integration with ATO ( Air Tasking Orders) and participation in permanent QRAs ( Quick Response Alert). RECO-NG is a near-real-time system that incorporates the pod and a complete ground segment, including mission planning, a mobile ground terminal, and an exploitation station. With a rotating head, visible and IR focal-plane arrays and a high-speed IR scanner, the Recce NG pod covers night and day reconnaissance from both high and low altitudes. Rafale has dedicated RAFAUT pylon to carry the NG RECCE pod under the  fuselage station
Rafale also equipped with LiDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) with LAS ( LASer - LiDAR Data Exchange Format of ASPRS  (American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing )  file server for reconnaissance .

Damocles pod with NAVFLIR Imager

Auto-GCAS ( Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System )  and PARS ( Pilot Activated Recovery System ) using TAWS ( Terraine Awareness and Warning System ) digital terrain map.
RADALT (Radar Altimeter ) , along with INS ( Inertial Navigation System ) , GPS and FCS ( Flight Control System ) based EGPWS ( Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System ).
The radar altimeter is the AHV 17 TFR ( Terraine Following Radar ) RADALT ( Radar Altimeter ) from Thales, which is suitable for very low covert  flight. The Rafale has a TACAN  ( TACtical Air Navigation ) receiver for en-route navigation and as a landing aid.

Rafale is also equipped with SAIM-NG/MINDS, a Multisensor Multispectral Image Exploitation System for post mission phase for reconnaissance by exploitation  of MTI ( Maritime Target Indication) , GMTI ( Ground Moving Target Indication), SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar) , AIS ( Automatic Identification System) and ISAR ( Inverse SAR) surveillance systems, and also perform BDA ( Battle Damage Assessment ). Rafales to have also Thales Damocles/TALIOS laser designation pod with  nacelle compliant with NATO STANAG 3733  standard for surveillance, reconnaissance and target identification .


Thales NextW@ve TRA 6034 VHF/UHF secure radios .
Optical sensor suite, OSF-IT (Optronique Secteur Frontale ) or FSO-IT ( Frontal Sector Optronics - Improved Technology ) system mounted on the nose in front of the windscreen. OSF- It had a wide-angle  IRST (  Infrared Search and Track ) unit is mounted on the left, and a TV / laser rangefinder CIU  ( Combat Identification Unit ) is mounted on the right. The CIU can track a target and display it on the pilot's HUD, with modes allowing it to automatically select targets.
Thales IMU ( Inertial Measurement Unit ) : A  Thales ring-laser gyro inertial navigation system with a GPS receiver. The
IMU’s are based on tri-axis ring laser gyrometer technologies (PIXYZ), Electro-Mechanical and MEMS accelerometers providing resistance to vibrations and operability in harsh environments. IMU Specs :
North seeking gyroscopes
IMUs (Drift: 50°/h to 0,005°/h
Rate sensor units (drift: 0,003°/h)
Vertical Gyroscopes (3 to 5°/mn)

A voice and data communications suite, including a secure "Have Quick" radio system and a "Link 16" tactical datalink.

Thales accelerometers based on  Electro-Mechanical, MEMS Quartz, and MEMS Silicium technologies , designed to function in  harsh environments  and are calibrated for increased performance. Accelerometer specs :
EMA 1000 (Biais: 50 to 180 µG)
A100 (Biais: 400 to 600 µG)

Thales GPS Receiver : 
Thales TopStar 100 GPS receivers, with SAASM  ( Selective Availability Anti-spoofing Module ) design , is a PNT (Positioning, Navigation, and Timing ) tool, for secure and accurate positioning in high dynamics military environments with  jamming resistance, compliant with NavWar (Navigation Warfare ) Program .

Comms: Thales V/UHF and Thales TRA 6032 SATURN UHF radios ; Thales SB25A IFF (Identification Friend or Foe)  electronic scanning combined transponder-interrogator with full Mode-5/Mode-S compatibility. TEAM intercom; Thales voice activated radio controls and and voice alarm warming system. Chelton aerials. Also a VOCRAD ( Voice Radio ) .  A multifunction information distribution system (MIDS) terminal provides secure, high-data-rate tactical data exchange with NATO C2 stations, AWACS aircraft or naval ships.

Optional civil aviation comms :
The Rafale is also equipped with fixed-frequency VHF / UHF radio for communications with civil air traffic control.
SITAonAir ( SITA , Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques ) standard IATA ( International Air Transport Association ) Type-B communication and  ARINC ( Aeronautical Radio Incorporated ) ACAS ( Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System ) messaging with ICAO ( International Civil Aviation Organization ) coded civilian ATCs ( Air Traffic Control ) capability through EASy ( Enhanced Avionics System ) Phase-II CDS ( Cockpit Display System )  with FANS-1/A (  Future Air Navigation System ) using CPDLC ( Controller Pilot Data Link Communication ) . STC ( Supplemental Type Certificate ) available for FANS 1/A+ . SVS (Synthetic Vision System ) for navigation depicting PITS ( Path In The Sky ) / HITS ( Highway In The Sky ) 3D view during low/zero visibility weather.
A Honeywell PRIMUS EPIC screen to display WINN/XM ( Weather  InformatioN Network from XM satellite ) data.
Two channel SELCAL ( Selective Calling radio system ) ( HF1 and HF2  RTF ( Radio Telephony) ).
ELT ( Emergency Locator TransSMITTER ) transmitter.
Compatible with ILS ( Instrument Landing System ) .
An optional Teledyne Controls / EMS Technologiess AERO-H/H+ SATCOM ( Satellite Communication ) Modem system has also been incorporated onboard of Rafale. The system consists of a Teledyne single-box 8 MCU  ( Micro Controller Unit ) form factor package HSD-128 ( High Peed Data ) solution integrated with EMS Technologies  eNfusion Broadband AMT-50  ( Aeronautical Message Transfer service )  INMARSAT ( International Maritime Satellite Organization ) high-gain antenna system. Satcom antenna on in fintip pod.

Radar : Thales GIE radar RBE2-AA ( Radar a Bayalage Electronique deux plans - active array ) look-down/shoot-down radar, able to track upto eight targets simultaneously, with automatic threat assessment and allocation of priority. RBE2/AA  AESA (Active electronically scanned array antennae radar ) radar access via port hinged radome.  The  cryo-cooled RADANT based designed RBE2/AA consists of six LRUs (Line Replaceable Units).  of frequency generator/receiver, the amplifier , the signal processor , the antenna, the structure and the radome. RBE2-AA replaces the mechanically steered array antenna by electronically steering exerted by up to several thousand of transmit-receive modules which enable maximum performance and versatility as well as enhanced reliability.  The AESA is based on technology developed under the Thales/BAE Airborne Multi-mode Solid-state Active-array Radar (AMSAR) program, and provides greater range and reliability than the passive ESA on the early Rafale. It will be able to be retrofitted to existing aircrafts. Another feature introduced with the Block 3 is a high-resolution synthetic-aperture-radar (SAR) mode for use with GPS/inertially guided weapons. The radar is using about 1000 GaAs T/R modules and is reported to deliver a greater detection range of 200 km, improved reliability and reduced maintenance demands over the preceding radar. Active electronic scanning makes it possible to switch radar modes quickly, thereby enabling operational functions to run simultaneously.

Thales RBE2-AA AESA Radar

Fully-automatic AGCAS (Automated Ground Collision Avoidance System ) system to avert CFIT ( Controlled Flight Into Terrain).

Flight : Thales TLS-2020 integrated ILS/MLS, VOR/DME ; SAGEM Sigma 95N ( RL-90 ) RLG INS ( SAGEM Telemir interface with carrier's navigation ) coupled by GPS Transceiver ; Thales AVH-17 radio altimeter and SFIM/Thales ESPAR static memory flight recorder. Thales TLS 2020 navigation receiver, which is used for the approach phase of flight. integrates the instrument landing system (ILS), microwave landing system (MLS) and VHF omni-directional radio-ranger (VOR) and marker functions.

Instrumentation:  Digital display of fuel engine, hydraulic, electrical, oxygen and other systems information on two 127x127 mm ( 5x5 in ) lateral multifunction touch-sensitive  colour LCD displays by Thales. Third cockpit screen is 20 x 20 degree head-level tactical navigation/sensor display. Thales CTH 3022 wide-angle, holographic HUD ( head-up display ) ( 30x22 degree field of view ) incorporating SIGNAAL USFA OTA-1320 CCD camera and recorder. Both displays collimated at infinity. Thales/Intertechnique Topsight E helmet-mounted sight (Earlier Sagem Gerfaut helmet mounted display has been cancelled). HLD ( Head Level Display ) with  multi-sensor Data Fusion displaying integrated , real time, multi-sensor info, for pilot SA ( Situational Awareness) , powered by Rafale core systems which employ an Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA), called MDPU ( Modular Data Processing Unit ) composed of up to 19 flight  LRUs ( Line-Replaceable Units”).
The MDPU is the mission computer of Rafales and is  based on commercial components. The MDPU provides redundancy and high throughput, and features a modular design that makes it easy to update. It coordinates and controls all the aircraft's avionics. It also runs an integrated aircraft health monitoring and maintenance-data system, and performs "sensor fusion" to give the pilot a seamless view of what the aircraft's sensor systems see in the world around them.

Mission: Thales OSF ( Optronique Secteur Frontal) electro-optical sensors and Sagem OSF upgraded infra-red sensors. MIDS ( Multifunctional Information Distribution System ) datalink ( equivalent to JTIDS/Link 16 ) . For reconnaissance, ECM, FLIR and laser designation pods, including Thales Damocles target designator, Thales RECO-NG pod, and Thales TALIOS multi-function targeting pod. TALIOS ( Targeting Long Range Identification Optronics System ) is to replace Damocles pod.
Rafale also equipped with Thales L3 ACSS TCAS-II 3000 ( Traffic Collision Avoidance System ) with CPA ( Collision Prediction and Alerting ) CP ( Control Panel ) .
Rafale also equipped with NAVFLIR navigation pod which is a compact, lightweight, high resolution navigation FLIR ( Forward Looking Infra Red) . It enables aircraft to perform low-altitude night navigation in all-weather conditions
Terrain following system is 30 m ( 100 ft ) land and 15 m ( 50 ft ) over water.
Esterline CMC SureSight I-series Infrared sensors.
Improvements to targeting systems include PDL NG ( Pod de Designation Laser Nouvelle Generation; new generation laser designation pod ) featuring reducied RCS ( radar cross section ) and operability by naval aircraft. Thales AREOS recce pod , for hi-res image beam back, compliant with NATO standards for integration in large scale C4ISR operations (Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance)  and operational synergy with DCA ( Defensive Counter Air ) cover aircrafts, BACN (  Battlefield Airborne Communications Node ) air assets in a non LOS ( Line Of Sight ) environment , ADS-B ( Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast ),  MLAT ( Multilateration ) and SSR ( Secondary Surveillance Radar ) radars.

Self-defence: SPECTRA  (Système de Protection et d'Évitement des Conduites de Tir du Rafale ; Systems pour la Protection Electronique Centre Toys led Rayonnenents  ;   Self-Protection Equipment Countering Threats to Rafale Aircraft) radar warning  EW ( Electronic Warfare ) and ECM ( Electronic Counter Measure ) suite by Thales and MBDA.
The SPECTRA internal “Electronic Warfare” (EW) system is the cornerstone of the RAFALE’s outstanding survivability against the latest airborne and ground threats. It is fully integrated with other systems in the aircraft, and it provides a multi-spectral threat warning capability against hostile radars, missiles and lasers.
The SPECTRA internal Electronic Warfare suite onboard Dassault Rafale  system carries out reliable long-range detection, identification and localization of threats, allowing the pilot to instantly select the most effective defensive measures based on combinations of radar jamming, infrared or radar decoying and evasive maneuvers. The angular localization performance of the SPECTRA sensors makes it possible to accurately locate ground threats in order to avoid them, or to target them for destruction with precision guided munitions. Additionally, SPECTRA fulfils new functions in a combat aircraft, while significantly participating in the determination of the aircraft's tactical situation, and providing the crew with operational advantage by performing accurate threat location. By virtue of its fully passive situational awareness capability, SPECTRA are a major contributor to the low observability concept of Rafale. SPECTRA gives Rafale firing solution with 1* precision at 200 km.
SPECTRA embodies a software based virtual stealth technogy, which enables Rafale to operate without SEAD ( Suppression of Enemy Aircraft Defenses)  aircraft support of cruise missile bombardment of enemy radars. ( Operations over Libya were greatly assisted by SPECTRA, allowing Rafales to perform missions independently from the support of dedicated SEAD ( Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses ) platforms ) .
SPECTRA includes radar, laser, and missile warning sensors, along with active jammers and four chaff-flare dispensers; it can automatically identify and categorize threats and take the necessary defensive actions.
The top end of Rafale's vertical stabilizer contains a RWR (Radar Warning Receiver ) as part of the Rafale's SPECTRA self defense system.  The RWR  is capable to send a signal to the Countermeasure Dispensing System (CMDS), which can eject countermeasures such as chaff, to aid in avoidance.
The outstanding capability of SPECTRA regarding airborne threat localization is one of the keys of the RAFALE’s superior situational awareness. Also instrumental in SPECTRA’s performance is a threat library that can be easily defined, integrated and updated on short notice by users in their own country, and in full autonomy. SPECTRA now include a new generation missile warning system that offers increased detection performance against the latest threats.
SPECTRA's elements are all built into the airframe, ensuring that all stores pylons are free for carriage of stores. Receiving antennas are mounted alongside the engine intakes and in a module on the top of the tailfin, with the module also incorporating laser warning sensors. Jammer antennas are also fitted in the canard mounts, and laser warning sensors are mounted on each side of the fuselage below the cockpit. The upward-firing chaff-flare launchers are fitted on the fuselage, just forward of the engine exhausts, in the wing roots.

SPECTRA can record threat data obtained during a mission to provide electronic intelligence. Ultimately, Rafale datalink capabilities will allow multiple Rafales to use their SPECTRA systems cooperatively to pinpoint adversary emitters.
SPECTRA uses "active cancellation" technology , with the jamming transmitters picking up a hostile radar and then feeding back the signals out-of-phase to cancel out the echo from the aircraft. Active cancellation, a unique EW technique that locates an enemy radar in range and bearing, calculates the scatter that it will receive from the Rafale, and transmits an exact mimic of the aircraft’s actual echo,  but one-half wavelength out of phase, so that the radar sees nothing.
Using sophisticated techniques, such as interferometry for high precision DOA and passive ranging, digital frequency memory for signal coherency and active phased-array transmitters for maximum effectiveness and covertness, the highly advanced multi-sensors and artificial intelligence data fusion capabilities of SPECTRA provide the Rafale aircraft with the best chance to survive in harsh and lethal environments. The Rafale combat aircraft and the SPECTRA system are fully operational onboard the French Navy's Rafale.
The SPECTRA system consists of two infrared missile warning sensors (Détecteur de Départ Missile Nouvelle Génération). A new generation missile warning system (DDM NG) is currently being developed by MBDA. DDM NG incorporates a new infrared array detector which enhances performance with regard to the range at which a missile firing will be detected (with two sensors, each equipped with a fish-eye lens, DDM NG provides a spherical field of view around the aircraft). The DDM-NG also offers improved rejection of false alarms and gives an angular localization capability which will be compatible with the future use of Directional Infrared Counter Measures (DIRCM). DDM-NG has an advanced Missile Warning System covering most of the sphere around the aircraft. In particular it provides the capability to detect Manpad missiles by detecting their burning engines. DDM-NG is a passive, imaging infrared Missile Warning System using the latest advances in sensor technology and processing algorithms. The DDM-NG system’s long detection range, spherical field of view and advanced software provides the highest level of performance.
Heart of the SPECTRA is the GIC computer ( Gestion de l'Interface et Compatibilité) comprising three processors. SPECTRA is divided into different modules and sensors strategically positioned throughout the airframe to provide all-round coverage. The latest advances in micro-electronic technology have led to a new system which is much lighter, more compact and less demanding than its ancestors in terms of electrical and cooling powers.

DBEM ( Détection et Brouillage Electromagnatique) - RWR/ECM ( Radar Warning Receiver / Electronic Counter Measures ) : Comprised of programmable threat libaries,  ELINT/SIGINT functions and fully fused with other on and off board sensor data.

Thales DAL (Detecteur d'Alerte Laser ) system : Three sensors on the front fuselage sides and the rear of the SPECTRA fin tip pod

DECM  (  Détection de Électronique Contre-mesures ) :
Three AESA antennas on the fin root and canard roots based on DRFM ( Digital Radio Frequency Memory ) with pencil thin jamming beams. Can operate in offensive, defensive and stealthy modes.

DBEM (Détecteur et Brouillage Electromagnatique ; Electromagnetic Detection and Interference ) - RWR/ECM ( Radar Warning Receiver / Electronic Counter Measures )  : Comprises of programmable threat libaries, ELINT/SIGINT functions and fully fused with other on and off board sensor data

RWR/ESM/ELINT (  Radar Warning Receiver  / Electronic Support Measures / Electronic Intelligence )  Receiver System : Comprises of digital receiver, three antennas with 120° azimuth coverage ( each located on the intakes and fin tip pod ) , plus additional antennas on the wing tips
Specs :
Interferometry (azimuth & elevation) with stated <1 deg bearing accuracy.
2-40 GHz frequency coverage and lower end coverage ~200 MHz
Geolocation of emitters
~250 km detection range (dependent on the emitter)
Target coordination generation for weapons employment

DDM ( Détecteur infrarouge de Départ  de Missiles) - MLD ( Missile Launch Detector ) :
Two mid-wave IIR sensors on the fin tip pod sides (360 deg azimuth coverage)

Decoy dispensers :
Flare launchers in rear wing/fuselage fairing. Four vertical firing flare/decoy dispensers on the top of the fuselage near the wing trailing edges and two chaff dispensers on the rear fuselage sides behind the wings

Data from all the sensor suites are fused and processed by a central computer, which prioritizes and activates the relevant countermeasures, based upon comparison between the received signals and an onboard threat library. RF jamming is transmitted through active phased array antennas. Employment of this advanced technology allows the jamming signal to be concentrated in the sector where it is needed, not only increasing its effectiveness, but also reducing the probability of intercept by the adversary’s own sensors. In addition to RF jammers, the SPECTRA system incorporates mechanical countermeasures for the dispensing of chaff and decoys that are effective in either electromagnetic or infrared domains. In addition to protecting the Rafale, SPECTRA also has a valuable offensive function. Fused data from the sensors provides threat tracks in the weapon system, which can be displayed in the cockpit. These tracks can be used for targeting in the defense suppression role. Additionally, the data product from the SPECTRA sensors is of very high quality, so that the system can be used for the gathering of Elint (electronic intelligence). Pop-up threats can be compared against the threat library, which can be updated with new information. The product of SPECTRA is also recorded and can be downloaded upon the aircraft’s return to base for more detailed analysis in the ground-based support centre. In this way master threat libraries can be updated, and revised data files produced for subsequent missions.

New SAGEM SAMIR ( Systeme d'Alerte Missile Infra Rouge) DDM-NG (Détecteur de Départ Missile -  Nouvelle Génération ) passive, imaging infrared two colour MWS-20 (Missile Warning System) with capability to detect MANPAD ( Man-portable air-defense system )  SAMs ( Surface to Air missiles)  and fixed  on  top tail-fin (in a hemi-spheroidical shape ). DDM-NG has option to support a DIRCM ( Directed Infrared Countermeasures ) system that would be more effective than a flare dispenser.

TRAGEDEC system to extend passive localization capabilities by using co-operative technics involving synchronisation of OSF and SPECTRA data from several aircraft through Link 16 to compute passive tracks . Ejectable electromagnetic decoy ( four could replace each SPIRAL chaff/flare dispenser, obviating towed decoy system ).

Data Links :
Datalinks include NATO's Link 16 standard, the CAS ( Close Air Support ) Mode M datalink and the CAS Rover datalink . The Rafale system enables the pilot to display image or video on either left or right head-down lateral displays, or on the head-level display. The pilot can also choose the cockpit image from whatever sensor source he/she wants, to transmit to a forward air controller, rather than be bound by a single image type fixed to just one sensor pod.

The net-centric capability of the Rafale hinges on its open architecture, its data fusion software and its compatibility with a variety of data links, which “plug” the Rafale into the integrated battlespace .A secure high-rate data link is provided to share data in combined air operations in real time with other aircraft in the formation, airborne and surface command and control centre’s, tactical air controllers or other friendly assets. The Link 16 data link is also available to those customers cleared to operate it. As a net-centric capable asset, the Rafale can exchange images. The ROVER (“Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver”) is an element of this capability which allows aircrews and forward air controllers on the ground to share videos or images of the target. It helps prevent blue-on-blue incidents and collateral damage, a decisive advantage in peacekeeping operations.

MMI ( Man-Machine Interface ) :
Dassault has developed a very easy to use pilot interface (MMI), combining the “Hands on Throttle and Stick” (HOTAS) control concept with touch screens. It relies on a highly integrated suite of equipment with the following capabilities:
For short-term actions, head-up flying using a wide-field-of-view holographic “Head-up Display” (HUD). The wide-angle HUD displays most of the relevant information using sophisticated symbology, and two accessory color flat-panel MFDs ( Multi Function Displays ) with touch input overlays. The HOTAS contains 35 multifunction switches including airbrake, radio telecommunications, auto pilot and auto throttle. HOTAS is composed of one side stick controller on starboard and small travel throttle.

For medium and long-term actions, analysis of the tactical situation as a whole (the “big picture”), using a multi-image “Head-Level Display” (HLD). The HLD picture is focused at the same distance as the HUD picture to allow for fast eye transitions between head-up and head-down displays and the external world’s view . The left and right lateral head-down display screens were touch sensitive with additional L/R ( left right ) rotary and L/R finger switches to designate and control display modes. Management of system resources via the left and right color touch screens.  The head-level display (HLD) allowed for a wide-angle view of the tactical situation and is focused at infinity, so there is no need of pilot to refocus his eyes when scanning rapidly between head-up and head-level.

RafaleTouch :
Traditional pre-mission tabletop planning and charting will be replaced by the Rafale Touch set of touch-screen simulation tools to allow mission planners to easily and quickly project scenarios on true maps with dynamic constraints including load-out, fuel, area denial etc.

FlightSphere Tablet ( FST ) :
Rafale features a FlightSphere Tablet, which allows the pilot to efficiently collect all the information on an Electronic Media device rather than on a paper. The Fighter Sphere Tablet consists of a manual, navigation maps, performance calculations software and more giving the pilot a more stress-free and redundant error-free flight period.
Pilots can use the tab offline to conduct all tactical mission planning, then carry it with them into the cockpit where it plugs right into the aircraft’s mission computer.

HoloLens :
For precision engineering tasks Rafale maintenance crew to use of commercial off the shelf (COTS) gadget  Microsoft HoloLens-based virtual/augmented reality based HADOC ( HAnds-on DOCumentation and training system ) to inspect the interiors of a Rafale that was up for repair.

Equipment : Integral, electrically operated , folding ladder in Rafale M.

Collapsible Boarding Ladder

Weapons Console

Armament :
One 30 mm NEXTER ( GIAT ) DEFA 30M 791B cannon, in side of starboard engine duct, with 30mm cannon shells, capable of firing 2500 rpm ( rounds per minute) . Can be used both for dogfight as well as round strafing. Its spin-up time is 0.05 second, HEI ( High Explosive Incendiary ) content 17.5%, projectile mass 275 gram, muzzle velocity of 1025 m/s which amounts to a muzzle energy of more than 94,000 ft-lb from the mass of the projectile alone (not taking into account explosive chemical energy) , projectile cross-sectional density of 38.9 g/cm2  . For a Burst Period of 6.6 s, the half-second rates are: projectiles - 19, mass - 5.23 kg, HEI - 0.914 kg.

GIAT DEFA 30M-791 Cannon

The Nexter Systems ( previously GIAT Industries ) Model 791 30mm automatic cannon was developed to provide an add-on armament kit . The cannon's system of operation uses a external electricity driven camshaft that drives the bolt back and forth. The Model 791 30mm uses single feed and has a rate of fire that is variable up to a maximum of 2,500 rds/min. Single shots can also be fired, and the length of the burst can be precisely limited.  A selectable rate of fire allows cyclic rates of 300, 600, 1500, or 2500 rounds per minute. It can fire continuous bursts or controlled 0.5 or 1 second bursts. The Model 791 fires fires the 30 x 150B DEFA (Direction des Études et Fabrications d'Armement)  series ammunition . Natures currently available from Nexter Munitions includes SAPHEI ,  1A/1W SAPHEI ( Semi-Armour-Piercing High Explosive Incendiary ) ( 1 Amp, 1Watt DC Input ) , 1A/1W SAPHEI-SSF ( SAPHEI Self-Forging Fragment ) , Target Practice (TP) , 1A/1W TP, Target Practice Tracer (TP-T ) rounds . The elctro-mechanical design makes it possible to actuate the gun for training or maintenance using dummy rounds.
Specifications of Model 791 30mm cannon:
Calibre : 30mm
Cartridge : 30 x 150 mm B  ( DEFA )
Operation : externally powered , selective fire
Feed : belt
Weight : 120 kg ( 260 lb )  ( including control electronics )
Length, overall : 2.4 m ( 7 ft 10 in )
Height : 337 mm
Width : 232 mm
Action : Seven chamber revolver
Barrels : 1
Muzzle velocity : 1025 m/s (3,360 ft/s)
Rate of fire , variable : upto 2,500 rds/min
Recoil load : 21 kN
Firing modes : round-to-round , limited or unlimited bursts
Power supply : three-phase elctrical motor, 200 V 400 Hz
Operating temperature range : -35 to +70 degree centigrades

Nexter Systems 30 x 150B Ammunition :
Nexter Systems 30 x 150B ammunition was developed by the former GIAT Industries specifically for the 30 mm 30M791 revolver cannon, which has a cyclic rate of fire of upto 2,5000 rounds/min and is fitted to production version of the Rafale aircraft. The new ammunition is based on experience gained with the 30 x 113B DEFA range, but uses a longer cartridge case to accommodate the increased propellant load required to obtain the higher muzzle velocity.
In appearance, the  30 x 150B is a lengthened version of the 30 x 113B, but in fact the dimension of the case in the rim and belt area are slightly different. The case is made of dark-grey lacquered steel.
At present, there is only one operational round in the Nexter Munitions 30 x 150B ammunition range. This is SAPHEI ( Semi Armour Piercing High Explosive Incendiary ) with an MR 3015BD base fuze ( fully compliant with STANAG 4187 ) . The projectile has a single sintered iron drive band and is rigidly secured to the lacquered steel cartridge case by a single crimping ring engaging in a cannelure on the projectile body. The fuze has a delay element, allowing the projectile detonate inside the target armour to allow the incendiary element to hace its maximum effect . The fuze will self-destruct the projectile after an interval of between 5 and 17 seconds after firing. The projectile body is coloured deep yellow., with a red band just below the black fuze . It is stated to penetrate 15 mm RHA  ( Rolled Homogeneous Armour ) at 30 degree at a range of 800 m . The projectiles are fitted with a safety priming device that renders them insensitive to electromagnetic interference. The steel cartridge case contains 90 g of propellant ( composed of  nitrocellulose, nitroglycerine, nitroguanidine ( picrite ), DNT (Dinitrotoluene ), DBP (Dibutylphthalate), DPA (Diphenylamine), RDX ( Cyclonite , Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine ),  HMX ( Octogen ,Cyclotetramethylene-tetranitramine ) , DEGDN ( Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate ) , Ethyl Centralite, Potassium Nitrate  ) and priming is electrical using a 1A-1W filament. Rounds are joined together by pressed steel links each weighing 90 g. the 30 mm SAPHEI ( Semi Armour Piercing High Explosive Incendiary )   has a muzzle velocity of 1,020 m/s. If the projectile is fired with the aircraft flying flying at avelocity of 250 m/s the flight time to a range of 1,000 m is less than 1 second . For training purposes a TP ( Target Practice ) round is available . It has exactly the same dimensions and ballistics as the operational SAPHEI round but the projectile is inert. The shell body is coloured blue, with a silver coloured dummy fuze.
Spercifications of ammunition :
      complete round -- 520 g
      projectile ---- 275 g
      propellant --- 90g
      link --- 90g
Lengths :
      complete round ---- 250 mm
      cartridge case ---- 150 mm
      rim -- 34.7 mm
      belt --- 35.2 mm
      body of case ---  max 33.8 mm
Muzzle Velocity ---- 1020 m/s
Muzzle energy ---- 143,000 J
Operating temperature range :  -54 to +74 degree centigrades
Firing safety temperature: -60°C/+100°C

Fourteen external stores attachment use : two on fuselage centreline, two beneath engine intakes, two astride rear fuselage, six under wings and two at wingtips; of these five stressed for heavy stores and fuel tanks. Forward centreline position deleted on Rafale M . Normal external load 6000 kg ( 13,288 lb ) ; maximum permissible 9,500 kg ( 20,944 lb ) .
Normal external load up to 6000 kg (13,230lb) on 6 underwing, 2 wingtip, 2 centerline, and 4 underfuselage stations.
While the aircraft can carry dumb bombs and unguided rocket pods, the push these days is towards smart munitions. The Rafale can carry US Paveway laser-guided bombs (LGBs), guiding them with the Thales Damocles targeting pod, and can also carry the Matra-BAE Dynamics "Apache / Scalp" cruise missile. The Apache and Scalp are almost identical externally, with a boxy fuselage, pop-out "switchblade" wings, and a belly air intake -- but the Apache carries a submunition warload, while the Scalp carries a unitary hard-target penetrating warhead. The Apache will not actually be carried by French Rafales, being reserved for the Mirage 2000, but it is an option for export Rafales.
Options include an ASMP-A nuclear standoff missile, up to 8 Matra Mica AAMs, AM 39 Exocets, LGBs, AS 30L LGASMs, or Apache dispensers with antiarmour or anti runway munitions.

Rafale carries various ALCMs (Air-Launched Cruiser Missiles ). For air to ground combat each Rafale jet is equipped with SAFRAN-SAGEM Hammer (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range )  AASM ( Armement Air-Sol Modulaire ) modular 250 kg PGM (Precision Guided Munition  ) guidance kit. The dual mode GPS ( Global Positioning System ) and INS ( Inertial  Navigation System ) guided AASM version  SBU-38 ( Smart Bomb Unit ) and triple mode GPS/INR/IIR ( Image Infrared Homing) guided AASM version SBU-54 and INS/GPS/SALH ( Semi Active Laser Homing) version SBU-64 LGB ( Laser Guided Bomb ) , all fitted  with LCDB ( Low Collateral Damage Bomb ) multipurpose insensitive  munition CBEM/BANG (Bombe Aéronavale de Nouvelle Génération/ New Generation Aero Naval Bomb)(125/500 kg ; 250/500 lb) . AASM is also compatible with Raytheon GBU-12/22/24/38/49 ( Guided Bomb Unit ).


In strike role, one ASMP-A ( Air-Sol Moyenne Portée - Amélioré) standoff nuclear weapon.

ASMP-A nuclear cruise missile beneath a Dassault Rafale

ASMP-A MACH 3 Nuclear Missile

The ASMP (Air-Sol Moyenne Portée) is powered by by a ramjet [statoréacteur] with an integrated accelerator. Armed with a tactical nuclear warhead, the ASMP is produced by Aerospatiale in collaboration with MBDA, except for the TN81 military warhead, that is provided by the Atomic Energy Commission. The ASMP's nuclear warhead has five times the power of free-fall weapons it replaces. This supersonic missile is guided by a standalone system of inertial navigation that provides it requisite precision and allows the launcher aircraft to remain a safe distance from the enemy defenses. The propulsion system consists of a statoréacteur using liquid fuel developed by Aerospatiale. The necessary speed for ignition is reached with a solid rocket motor accelerator housed in the combustion chamber of the statoréacteur. ASMP became operational in May 1986.
Compared to the missile ASMP, the ASMP-A (ASMP Amélioré ) offers a greater range (500 to 600 km) and a greater diversity of trajectories, including final penetrations maneuvers at very low altitude. This missile, the successor to the ASMP carried by the Rafale, is equipped with the new airborne nuclear warhead (TNA) with a power of 300 kilotons. With an estimated range of 500 kilometers at high-altitude, ASMPA is powered by a ramjet, which gives it a higher speed of around Mach 3. Capable of flying very low, it has penetration capacity and increased accuracy compared to its predecessor.The development of the ASMP-A was also prepared by an operation, called Vesta, financed to the title of the line "work of aerobic transition " from the law of programming, which will make it possible to test in flight a vector with ramjet common to the improved ASMP and anti-ship missile future ANF. The two missiles will share the same liquid ramjet with prolonged combustion and the same section of guidance piloting. They will differ by their final guidance and, obviously, the nature of their payload. The three exploratory developments launched in 1993 and the exploratory research preparing the project of missile air/sol long range (ASLP) were the major reorientation object in order to cover complementary work necessary to the ASMP improved and not included in the tests of feasibility or the Vesta operation. Plans called for the ASMPA to be, starting in 2009, carried by both the Mirage 2000-NK3 and Rafale aircraft, both land (2 squadrons) and carrier-based. The ASMPA is equipped with the newer airborne nuclear warhead known as TNA (tête nucléaire aéroportée). The TNA, with the TNO (Têtes Nucléaires Océaniques), was meant as a replacement to the TN81 and TN75 warheads. The ASMP-A should have an operational life of just over 20 years. The first missiles will be removed by 2030-2033. The Ministry of Defense has already committed credits for studies on a successor around a demonstrator, which bears the name of Prometheus.
ANF , an anti-ship version of ASMP-A is being considered .

For air-to-air combat , MBDA MICA (Missile d’interception, de combat et d’autodéfense, “interception, combat and self-defence missile”) multi-target all-weather FaF ( Fire and Forget ) LOAL ( Lock-On After Launch) AAM ( Air to Air Missile) with TVC ( Thrust Vector Control) .  Operational Range : 500 m to 80 km. Speed : MACH 4.0 . Weight : 112 kg. Warhead : 12 kg.


In interception role, upto eight MICA 112 kg fire-and-forget AAMs ( with IR  or active homing )  and two underwing fuel tanks ; or six MICAs and and three external fuel tanks .

MICA equipped Rafale

Armaments include MBDA METEOR active radar guided supersonic BVRAAMs  ( Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile ). Meteor offers a multi-shot capability against long range manoeuvring targets in a heavy ECM ( electronic countermeasures ) environment with range well in excess of 100 kilometres (62 mi). Its weight is 190 kg ( 419 lb ) , length is 3.7 m ( 12 ft 2 in ) and diameter of 0.178 m ( 7 in ) and uses a HE ( High Explosive ) blast fragmentation warhead .


Rafale also carries MATRA R550 Magic-II ( Missile Auto-Guidé Interception et Combat ) SRAAMs ( Short Range Air to Air Missile ) . MAGIC-II has operational range of 15 km, with fire-and-forget passive infrared homing guidance system.  It weighs 89 kg and has a solid fuel engine. It has eight fixed fins and four movable fins, and has a maximum flight altitude capability  22 km, and carries a 23  kg fragmentation type warhead. It has AD3633 IR seeker allowing frontal as well as rear firing on target. It is gradually being replaced by MICA missiles.


For air-to-ground combat,  MBDA SCALP EG (Système de Croisière Autonome à Longue Portée – Emploi Général ; General Purpose Long Range Cruise Missile) 1300 kg ( 2,900 lb )   low-observable air-launched fire-and-forget air-to-surface cruise missile ( 250 km range.  SCALP fitted with BAE Systems BROACH  ( Bomb Royal  Ordnance  Augmented CHarge )    multi- stage 450 kg (990 lb ) warhead and Turbomeca ( now Safran Helicopter Engines ) Microturbo TRI 60-30 turbojet 5.4 kN thrust engine .

Guidance system of Scalp : Inertial, GPS and TERPROM ( Terrain Profile Matching) . Terminal guidance using imaging infrared DSMAC (  Digitized Scene-Mapping Area Correlator ) . Embedded GPS guidance chip : Thales 1000s SAASM ( Selective Availability Anti-spoofing Module ) board .
SCALP ( StormShadow ) Missile

Rafale has RAFAUT PU708 universal pylon  to carry the SCALP cruise missile as well as other 30″ standard armaments such as GBU24 bombs, RAFAUT AT730 triple store rack and additional fuel tanks.

SCALP Missile

Rafale also equipped with sea-skimming MBDA AM39 Exocet air-to-ship missile, with MACH 0.92 ( 1,135 km/h; 705 mph; 315 m/s ) speed, operational range of 70–180 kilometres (43–112 mi; 38–97 nmi) , weight of 670 kg (1,480 lb) and can carry warhead weight  of 165 kg ( 364 lb ). Exocet has solid propellant booster MM40 Block 3 version turbojet sustainer engine, and has inertial guidance with terminal active radar homing.

MBDA Exocet Anti-ship Missile


AS-30L Missile : AS-30L is a French short-to-medium range air-to-ground missile which employs laser homing guidance. The AS-30L was a development of the earlier 1970s AS-30 missile, which uses MCLOS (   Manual Command to Line Of Sight ) guidance via a radio command link between the aircraft to the missile. The only difference between the AS-30 and AS-30L is their guidance systems. It is a precision attack weapon designed to be used against high-value targets like bridges and bunkers. Range 3 km (1.8 mi) to 11 km (6.8 mi) Speed 1,700 km/h (1,056 mph)

In air-to-ground role, typically sixteen 227 kg ( 500 lb ) bombs  , two MICAs and two 1,250 litre ( 330 US gallon; 275 Imp. gallon ) tanks; or two APACHE standoff weapon dispensers , two MICAs and three tanks; or FLIR ( Forward Looking Infra Red ) thermographic camera pod, TALIOS/Damocles laser designation pod, six 250 kg LGBs, four MICAs and single tank . In anti-ship role two AM39 EXOCET fire-and-forget sea-skimming missiles, four MICAs and two two external fuel tanks. SAGEM HAMMER (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range ) modular air-to ground missile SBU-54 AASM ( Armement Air-Sol Modulaire ) powered LGB on F3 standard , plus Damocles/TALIOS designator and NG reconnaissance pod.
Rafale also carries AS 30L laser-guided air-to-surface missiles , APACHE anti-runway stand-off munitions dispensers , LGBs (Laser-Guided Bombs ) (Paveway/Enhanced Paveway family) , Anti-Armor munitions, Anti-Runway / runway denial munitions, Rocket Pods and 3 x Jettisonable fuel drop tanks

Terrain Hugging capability :
Rafale is capable of NOE ( Nap Of the Earth ) terrain/ground hugimg flight capability with the help of its TFR ( Terrain Following Radar ). The Rafale is also designed to use terrain masking, particularly at night or in bad, weather when visually cued short-range surface-to-air weapons are less effective.
The Rafale is fitted with a multisensory terrain-following system operating at the pilot's choice from the radar or from a digital terrain database: the RBE2 radar can detect even unreported obstruction and the digital terrain database does away with telltale emissions where total covertness is required.  There is also a radar altimeter available in nap-of-the-earth flight over water or flat land. Data fusion is part of the system to cross-check the sensors before feeding their data to a flight path computation module whose development has been carried out per the exacting standards of safety-critical engineering.
The terrain-following function integrated with the Rafale's flight control system actually flies the aircraft closer to the ground or the sea than would be reasonable for the crew flying in manual mode - and it does so with a demonstrated safety level even in blind weather. Rafale is designed to fly a terrain-avoidance/threat- avoidance profile at 5.5 g and 100 feet in altitude.
​It remains a valuable help to the crew even when flying higher above ground level, allowing them to concentrate on other mission tasks without the burden -and energy consuming anxiety - of maintaining terrain clearance during hi-speed/low-altitude legs. With its high thrust and low wing-loading, the Rafale is equally at ease flying at treetop height: its aerodynamics - delta wing and canards - is ideal for low-level agility and ride quality, and its canard fore-planes do not block downward visibility. Flying low and fast in the clouds then becomes a real option: high altitude SAMs are no longer an issue since you fly under the radar coverage, and short range optically-guided air defenses are powerless against a foe they cannot see. Other short range air defense systems can be dealt with by the Spectra EW suite capable of jamming and decoying. Speed is part of the game too, since air defense engagement zones are dramatically reduced against transonic targets, even in clear weather.
With its maneuverability and a high degree of cockpit automation, the fighter is designed to fly a terrain-avoidance/threat- avoidance profile at 5.5 g and 100 feet in altitude. The RBE2 and a terrain-referenced navigation system, using stored terrain data, are used to provide redundant flight guidance. The Rafale is fitted with a multisensory terrain-following system operating at the pilot's choice from the radar or from a digital terrain database: the RBE2 radar can detect even unreported obstruction and the digital terrain database does away with telltale emissions where total covertness is required. There is also a radar altimeter available in nap-of-the-earth flight over water or flat land. Data fusion is part of the system to cross-check the sensors before feeding their data to a flight path computation module whose development has been carried out per the exacting standards of safety-critical engineering.

Stores managment System  ( SMS ) :
The Rafale's SMS (Stores Management System) is MIL-STD-1760 compliant and interoperable which facilitates integration of customer selected weapons. With its ten tonne empty weight, Rafale is fitted with 14 hard-points ( 13 on Rafale M ). Five of them are capable of drop tanks and heavy ordnance.  With its outstanding load carrying capacity and its state of the art weapon/mission system, the Rafale can carry out ground attack, air-to-air combat and interception during same sortie.

Dassault Rafale Profile and Scrap Nose View

Operational Capabilities
Dimensions, External :
     length : 15.27 m ( 50 ft 1.25 in )
     height : 5.34 m ( 17 ft 6.25 in )
      Wing span
         including wingtip missile rails : 10.86 m ( 35 ft 7.25 in )
      Wing aspect ratio : 2.6
   Wings, Gross wing are : 45.70 sq. m ( 491.9 sq.ft ) 
Weights and Loadings
      Weight empty, equipped
          basic, Rafale C :   9,850kg ( 21,715 lb )
          basic, Rafale B : 10,450 kg ( 23,038 lb )
          basic, Rafale C : 10,196 kg ( 22,478 lb )
       Max T-O weight ( MTOW) :
           Rafale M : 24,000 kg ( 52,910 lb )
           Rafale B, C : 24,500 kg ( 54,013 lb )
       Max landing weight : 22,500 kg ( 49,604 lb )
    Fuel Weight
        Max fuel weight
           internal, single seat : 4,750 kg ( 10,471 lb )
           internal, two seat : 4,350 kg ( 9,590 lb )
           external, underwing : 7,750 kg ( 17,085 lb )
           external, conformal : 1,850 kg ( 4,078 lb )
      Max payload 
         external, incl fuel, normal : 6,000 kg ( 13,227 lb )
         external, incl fuel, max : 9,500 kg ( 20, 943 lb )
      Max wing loading :
          Rafale M : 525.2 kg/sq.m ( 107.57 lb/sq.ft )
          Rafale B , C : 536.1 kg/sq.m ( 109.80 lb/sq.ft )
      Max thrust loading :
          R-88-4E , Rafale M :   162.1 kg/kN ( 1.59 lb/lb st )
          Rafale B , C :   158.7 kg/kN ( 1.6 lb/lb st )
  T-O (Take-off)
     T-O Run
         air defence : 400 m(1,313 ft)
         attack : 600 m( 1,969 ft)
  Range: 1,150 miles (1,850 kilometers; 999 nautical miles)
  Speed (Max): 1,190 miles-per-hour (1915 kilometers-per-hour; 1,034 knots)
      RoC (Rate of climb) , max, at S/L : 18,288 m/min (60,000 ft/min)
   Altitude , Service ceiling : 15,235 m (49,984 ft)
              Max level speed , at low level : 750 kt  (1,389 km/h ; 863 mph)
                 Max level Mach number
                         at altitude : 1.8
                  Approach speed : 110 kt  (204 km/h; 127 mph )
         g limits : +9.0/-3.2
         Radius of operation  :
            low level penetration with 12 x 2250kg bombs, four MICA AAMs and 4,000 litres ( 1,056 US gallons ; 880 Imp. gallons ) of external fuel in three tanks : 570 nautical miles ( 1,055 km; 655 miles)
             air-to-air , long-range with eight MICA AAMs and 6,000 litres ( 1,585 US gallons ; 1,320 Imp. gallons) of external fuel in four tanks , 12,200 m ( 40,000 ft) transit : 950 nautical miles (1,759 km; 1,093 miles)
         Endurance , operational : 3 hour
               Landing run : 450 m (1,477 ft)
Ferry Range : 3,125 km
Combat Radius : 925 km
Maximum instantenous turn rate: 30 degrees/second
TWR(50% fuel, 2 EM A2A missile, 2 IR A2A missile): 1.3:1
TWR(100% fuel, 2 EM A2A missile, 2 IR A2A missile): 1.10:1
Sorties : 5 per 24 hour
Refuelling Time
        Pressure fuelling : 7 minutes
        External tank fuelling : 4 min
Availability : 75%
Combat turnaround time
          air-to-air mission : is 30 minutes
          air-to-ground mission :  90 minutes
          with live weapons onboard : 90 min
Engine change time : One hour
Instantaneous turn rate : 30 deg/s
Sustained turn rate : 24 deg/s
Roll rate : 290 deg/s.
CPFH ( Cost Per Flying Hour ) : EUR 14,700.

Systems :
Technofan ( now Safran Ventilation Systems ) cockpit airconditioning system with Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS humidifier ; Cryotechnologies avionics cooling system.
Softair pressurisation system , with maximum differential of 0.64 bar ( 9.3 lb/sq in ) , maintains sea level cockpit environment to height of 7,620 m ( 25,000 ft ) , and cockpit equivalent of 2,440 m ( 8,000 ft ) at 15,550 m ( 51,000 ft ) .
Cold air supply by single oversize Liebherr ACU ( Air Cycle Unit ) .
Eros ( SFIM / Intertechnique ) Onboard Oxygen Generating System ( OBOGS ) system capacity has been beefed up for increased endurance for pilots who might pass out due to hypoxia due to loss of oxygen. OBOGS eliminates the need to stockpile oxygen canisters.
Dual hydraulic circuits, pressure 350 bar ( 5,075 lb/, each with two Messier-Bugatti pumps and Bronzavia ancilliaries. P. Barruzo precision machined structural parts. Parker hydraulic systems ; PTI multi-module hydraulic filters ; Lee Products hydraulic system valves ; Sofrance hydraulic strainers . Auxilec electrical system , with two 30/40 kVA Auxilec variable frequency alternators. Triplex digital  plus one dual analogue fly-by-wire flight control system, integrated with engine controls and linked with weapons systems . Air Liquide OBOGS ; EROS oxygen system ; L'Hotellier fire detection system ;  Microturbo APU ( Auxilliary Power Unit ) below fin fillet  . Latelec wire harnesses ; Latecoere aircraft wirings. Meggit Sensing Systems EVMS ( Engine Vibration Monitoring  System ) detector.  Leonardo (Alenia Aermacchi) Nacelles and Engine  Thrust Reversers. DAHER body fairings . MAP ( Mecanique Aeronautique Pyreneenne ) ACS (Aircraft Control Surfaces ) . SABCA engine air intake cowlings . Sonaca wing leading edges and associated de-icing equipments . UTC Ram air turbines. VOSS flanges, clampings and ducting products. Deutsch Systems MC6 fibre optics connectors. UTC  SmartProbe air data system; UTC primary ice detection systems. Honeywell Bleed Air System.

Air conditioning system uses engine bleed air or air from APU installed in rear fuselage. A 9 kW  ( 12 hp ) starter generator starts the APU itself and also supplies power to aircraft systems .
Hydraulic system powers flight controls, landing gear , brakes and thrust reversers . Two main independent and simultaneous hydraulic systems ; operates with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid between 190 bar ( 2,750 lb / sq in ) and 214 bar ( 3,100 lb / sq in. ) . No. 1 hydraulic system is powered by engine. 1 . No. 2 system by engine 2 pump and by an electrically driven stand-by pump . When powered by stand-by pump , no. 2 system operates between 95 and 155 bar ( 1,400 and 2,250 lb/ ) . Stand-by pump assists in flight , in case of pressure drop ; or replaces in case of failure , right system hydraulic generation . Stand-by pump can be operated by a mechanical valve to operate flight control , landing gear , brakes and for maintenance operations on ground .

Power Plant :

Two SNECMA ( now Safran Aircraft Engines) M88-2-4E  ( Step 4E CGP  ( Global Possession Cost ) ) augmented turbofans, each rated at 50.0 kN ( 11,250 lb st ) dry and 75.6 kN ( ( 17,000 lb st ) with afterburning . Stage 4 standard engines limited to 1,000 hour hot-section TBO ( Time Between Overhaul ).

The M88-2 is equipped with redundant “Full Authority Digital Engine Control” (FADEC), which provides for carefree engine handling anywhere in the flight envelope: the throttle can be slammed from combat power to idle and back to combat power again, with less than three seconds from idle to full afterburner. The FADEC is integrated with the  flight control VMS (vehicle management system ) .

The M88 Pack CGP (for "total cost of ownership") or M88-4E is based on a study contract, development and production reported in 2008 by the General Delegation for Armament and is to introduce technical improvements to reduce maintenance costs. The purpose of this release is to reduce cost of ownership of the M88 and longer inspection intervals of the main modules by increasing the lifetime of the hot and rotating parts. It has been tested in flight for the first time March 22, 2010 at Istres, the Rafale's M02 CEV ( Centre d'Essais en Vol ) .
Launched in 2008, the M88 TCO (“Total Cost of Ownership”) programme was initiated to further improve engine durability and bring support costs down. Capitalizing on the ECO project, Safran Aircraft Engines was able to upgrade the high-pressure compressor and the high-pressure turbine of the M88-2: cooling is ameliorated and stronger components have been introduced, boosting durability by up to 50%. Life expectancy between overhaul has been considerably expanded for a number of modules, helping further minimise the impact of planned maintenance on engine availability.

M88 has length: 353.8 cm (139.3 in), diameter: 69.6 cm (27.4 in) and dry weight: 897 kg (1,978 lb) with Axial, 3-stage LP  , 6-stage HP compressor and annular combustors.
M88-2 which is a new-generation turbofan engine offering a high thrust-to-weight ratio with easy maintainability, high despatch reliability and lower operating costs. The M88-2 incorporates advanced technologies such as integrally bladed compressor disks (“blisks”), a low-pollution combustor with smoke-free emissions, single-crystal high-pressure turbine blades, ceramic coatings, and composite materials. The engine is enclosed inside an aramid fibre casing.

The engines feature several advances, including a non-polluting combustion chamber, single-crystal turbine blades, powder metallurgy disks, and technology to reduce radar and IR signatures. The M88 enables the Rafale to supercruise while carrying four missiles and one drop tank.
The M88 engine comprises a three-stage LP compressor with inlet guide vane, an annular combustion chamber, single-stage cooled HP ( high pressure ) turbine, single-stage cooled LP ( low pressure ) turbine, radial A/B ( Auto Brake ) chamber, variable-section convergent flap-type nozzle and full authority digital engine control (FADEC). The Snecma M88 turbofans have been optimized to limit infrared delectability. And it also received Hot Spot treatment, to reduce the InfraRed Signature.
Afterburner : Additional combustor located in the exhaust stream of turbofan to provide thrust augmentation for any thrust-limited segment of the mission. The burning may be arranged in the core stream or the bypass stream, in both, or in a mixed stream. In the Afterburner, following the turbine , fuel is injected into the hot gas stream through spray bars. V-section flame-stabilizing channels are mounted downstream from the fuel spray bars. These channels produce eddies in the gas stream to promote stable burning and prevent flame blowout at high altitude.The afterburner also features a variable are exhaust nozzle.  A lowered sheet-metal liner protects the afterburner casing from overheating.

M88-3 of 88.3 kN ( 19, 840 lb st ) maximum rating being developed as follow-on : SNECMA is working on an uprated M88-3, which would have 90 kN (9,175 kgp / 20,233 lbf) afterburning thrust. The Rafale will require larger engine intakes for the M88-3, but new intakes can be retrofitted to older aircraft with little difficulty.

M88 General characteristics :
Type: Twin-shaft, turbofan engine
Length: 3538 mm (139.3 in)
Diameter: 696 mm (27.5 in) inlet
Dry weight: 897 kg (1,977 lb)

M88 Components :
Compressor: 3 stage low pressure, 6 stage high pressure
Combustors: Annular
Turbine: single stage high pressure, single stage low pressure

M88 Performance :
Maximum thrust: 50 kN (11,200 lbf) and 75.6 kN (17,000 lbf) (with afterburner)
Overall pressure ratio: 24.5:1
Bypass ratio: 0.3:1
Air mass flow: 65 kg/s (143 lb/s)
Turbine inlet temperature: 1,850 K (1,580 °C)
Fuel consumption: 3,977 kg/h and 12,695 kg/h (with afterburner)
Specific fuel consumption: 22.14 g/kNs and 47.11 g/kNs (with afterburner)
Thrust-to-weight ratio: 5.68:1 (dry) and 8.52:1 (with afterburner).
Time to reach maximum thrust : 4 seconds

Rafale also is equipped with Safran Power Units RUBIS 3 APU ( Auxiliary Power Unit ) to provide pneumatic power to quick start M88 main engine , to provide power for air-conditioning of cockpit and avionics suite, and to provide electrical power to avionics and onboard network.
AVERSEN APU software suite. SOFRANCE oil filters. OGMA engine pylons. FACC AG Bypass Duct. Carbon fibre central cowling around each two engines .

Groupe Lauak fuel tanks . Internal tanks in single seat versions for 5,937 litres ( 1,568 US gallons ; 1,306 Imp gallons ) of fuel .  Rafale B internal fuel tank 5,300 litres ( 1,400 US gallons; 1,166 Imp. gallons).
The Rafale's rear centerline pylon and the two inner wing pylons on each wing are "wet" and can be used for carriage of external tanks. All five wet pylons can carry 1,150-liter (304 US gallon) fuel tanks or 1,250-liter (330 US gallon) supersonic fuel tanks. Up to three of the big bulbous-nosed 2,000-liter (528 US gallon) external tanks, much like those developed for the Mirage 2000 but lacking tailfins, can also be carried, with one on the centerline pylon and one on the inner wet pylon on each wing. A centerline buddy refueling pack can be carried, though only by Aeronavale Rafales in French service, the  Armee de l'Air ( AA - French Air Force  having other tanker assets. Carriage of the tanker pod involves fit up up to four external tanks -- two 1,250-liter and two 2,000-liter tanks.
Fuel system by Lucas Air Equipment, Lebozec and Zenith Aviation; equipment by Intertechnique . Five 'wet' hardpoints : centreline two inboard wing and two centre wing  : all able to accommodate a 1,250 liter ( 330 US gallon ; 275 Imp. gallon ) external tank  ; alternative 2,000 liter ( 528 US gallon ; 400 Imp. gallon ) centreline and inboard ; alternative conformal tanks on spine , length 7.50 m ( 24 ft 7.25 in ) ; total capacity 2,3000 litres ( 608 US gallons ; 506 Imp. gallons ), and able to accept in-flight replenishment . Maximum external fuel limited to 9,687 litres ( 2,559 US gallons ; 2,131 Imp. gallons). Pressure refuelling in 7 minutes , or 4 minutes for internal tanks only. Fixed (detachable) in-flight refuelling probe.  AAR  ( Air to Air Refuelling ) provision for 'buddy' refuelling pod on centreline. Both refuelling boom as well as probe-and-drogue for IFR ( In Flight Refuelling ). New naval buddy refuelling pod. Buddy- buddy refuelling missions can be carried out in portion of airspace out of reach of dedicated and vulnerable tanker aircrafts. Maximum range is 3,700 km , and maximum speed is 1,800 km/h.

Flying Control : Fully digital fly-by-wire controls with fully modulated two-sector leading-edge slats and two elevons per wing ; canard incidence automatically increased to 20 degree when landing gear lowered . Specifications include 30 degree AoA ( angle of attack ) in stable flight . ASCO NV  leading edge high lift slat mechanism . Triple Laseref III inertial reference system .
The advanced digital “Fly-by-Wire” (FBW) Flight Control System (FCS) provides for longitudinal stability and superior handling performance. The FCS is quadruple redundant with three digital channels and one separately designed analogue channel, with no mechanical back-up: design independence between channels is key to avoiding simultaneous anomalies on all channels.
The Flight Control System of the Rafale attains the highest level of flight safety by leveraging on the extensive experience of Dassault Aviation in Fly-by-Wire technology: over one million flight hours without a single accident caused by the FCS. The Rafale is safe and easy to fly in all flight regimes, featuring the same precise, yet benign handling performance in all load-out configurations throughout the flight envelope.
An Anti-Spin Switch is included in FCS .
Dual daily operational autopilot .
Airbrakes automatically extend on landing .
The flight control system of the Rafale offers auto flight in terrain following mode in all weather conditions, allowing the Rafale to fly unobserved in the opponent’s airspace: an important survivability factor in a high threat environment.

Structure :
Design and manufacture computer assisted ; damage tolerant structure . Kevlar Radome .
Composite materials are extensively used in the Rafale and they account for 70% of the wetted area. They also account for the 40% increase in the max take-off weight to empty weight ratio compared with traditional airframes built of aluminium and titanium.
ARCONIC TITAL Aluminium and Titanium investment castings.
Most of the wing components made of carbon fibre including elevons ; slats in titanium ; wingroot and tip fairings Kevlar ; canard made by superplastic forming and diffusion bonding  of titanium ; fuselage 50 degree carbon fibre ; fuselage side skins of aluminium-lithium alloy ; wheel and engine doors carbon fibre ; fin made primarily of carbon fibre with aluminium honeycomb core in  MECAHERS rudder .
FIGEAC- AERO aft VTP ( Vertical Tail Plane ) stabilizer fin fittings assembly.
Composites account for 25% by weight of structure and 20% of surface area ; weight saving directly attributable to composites is 300 kg ( 661 lb ) - equivalent to a 1 tonne reduction in empty weight .

Airframe Materials :
Nose cone - Kevlar
Wing - Carbon fibre
Elevons - Carbon fibre
Wing Slats - Titanium
Spar/fuselage attachment fittings - Aluminium-Lithium
Wing root and tip fairings - Aramid ( Kevlar )
Canards - SPF ( Superplastic formed ) and diffusion bonded Titanium ( front ) and Aluminium-Lithium ( rearside )
Fuselage - 50% Carbon fibre
Fuselage side skins - Aluminium-Lithium alloy
Wheel and engine doors - Carbon fibre
Fin - primarily carbon fibre with Aluminium honeycomb core in the rudder

The Rafale M features a greatly reinforced undercarriage to cope with the additional stresses of naval landings, an arrestor hook, and "jump strut" nosewheel, which only extends during short takeoffs, including catapult launches. It also features a built-in ladder, carrier-based microwave landing system, and the new fin-tip Telemir system for syncing the inertial navigation system to external equipment. Altogether, the naval modifications of the Rafale M increase its weight by 500 kilograms (1,100 lb) compared to other variants.The Rafale M retains about 95 percent commonality with Air Force variants , although , unusual for carrier-based aircraft, being unable to fold its multi-spar wings to reduce storage space. The size constraints were offset by the introduction of Charles de Gaulle, France's first nuclear-powered carrier, which was considerably larger than previous carriers, Foch and Clemenceau.

Stealth :

Although not a full-aspect stealth VLO ( Very Low Observable ) aircraft, the cost of which was viewed as unacceptably excessive, the Rafale was designed for a reduced radar cross-section (RCS) and infrared signature , and thus is a LO ( Low Observable ) aircraft.. In order to reduce the RCS, changes from the initial technology demonstrator include a reduction in the size of the tail-fin, fuselage reshaping, reprofiled fin-fuselage junction, repositioning of the engine air inlets underneath the aircraft's wing, and the extensive use of composite materials and serrated patterns for the construction of the trailing edges of the wings and canards. 70% of the Rafale's surface area is composite. The radar cross section of the airframe has been kept to the lowest possible value by selecting the most adequate outer mold line and materials. The stealth design features are clearly visible, such as the serrated patterns on the trailing edge of the wings and canards.
To achieve Stealth Dassault combine four factors:
• RCS reduction of the most reflective parts of the structure
• Development of passive detections
• EW suite capable of jamming and decoying
• Terrain following system
Rafale has been designed with Low Observable ( LO ) Features which has been estimated between 0.05 to 0.1-meter square Radar Cross Section which is equal to that of a "Sparrow". Rafale combines up Electronic Warfare means, Terrain Following System, Active Cancellation and design features to achieve the considerable amount of stealth required for a 4.5 Generation Aircraft. Rafale extensively utilizes composite materials and Radar Absorbent Material along with suppression of "Radar" waves by Spikes to prevent any considerable amount of detection
The minimal RCS of Rafale, according to Dassault engineer (1/10~1/20 of Mirage-2000's frontal RCS), should be 0.05 to 0.1 m2 class.
Composite materials used are carbon fibre, thermoplastic as well as Kevlar ( Poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide ) . The thermoplastics used on airframe are AS4/PEEK ( Hexcel ASTM (  American Society for Testing and Materials )  AS-4 standard graphite fibre reinforced  Polyetherether ketone ) CFRP ( Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer ) and PPS ( Poly phenylene Sulfide ) for high performance structural prepregs ( pre-impregnated thermoplastic ) .  JTT Honeycomb Core Composites are also used. Foam and rubber coatings are also used. The IRST and canopy are gold shielded to reduce RCS.

RAM ( Radar Absorbing Material ) paints used are non-ferrofluidic  0.30% crystalline graphite carbon black particles  emulsion embedded in polymer matrix, as well as ferrofluidic iron pentacarbonyl (CI)  micro-spheres coated with silicon dioxide suspension in two-part epoxy paint, spray painted by industrial robot in heat chamber, and subsequent magnetization. On the fuselage , tiles are glued which are painted with doped ferrite powder grains suspended in neoprene/polychloroprene polymer matrix RAM . SRR ( Split Ring Resonator ) and Silicon Carbide and Jaumann Abosorber Layer ( JAL)  RAMs are also used.
Rafale makes extensive use of radar-absorbent material (RAM) in the form of paints and other materials. RAM forms a saw-toothed pattern on the wing and canard trailing edges, for instance. The aircraft is designed to, so that its untreated radar signature is concentrated in a few strong "spikes," which are then suppressed by the selective use of RAM.

75% of Rafale surface structure and 30% of its mass are made of composites. Besides, the high amount of composites and RAM materials, ducted air intakes, Rafale also has a sawtooth design feature all over the airframe and even in the air intakes. These sawtooths are made of RAM materials and meant to scatter and absorb radar waves. IRST surface of Rafale is covered in gold shield which reflects very less radar energy and thus has stealth. The internals of the cockpit are RCS shaped as well as the canopy containing gold and RAM coat on the mounts which reflects very less radar reflection.
Regular maintenance, of aircraft surface is crucially essential , by  AMOSS ( airline maintenance and operation support system ) , for preservation of stealth characteristics.

Landing Gear :

Hydraulically retractable tricycle type supplied by Messier-Dowty, with single 790x275-15 ( 20 ply ) or 790x275R15 ( 790 mm diameter, 275 mm wide tyre, wrapped around 15 inch diameter wheel main wheels and twin,  hydraulically steerable , 360x135-6 or 360x135R6 nosewheels . Electric control of of hydraulic retraction . All wheels retract forward . Designed for impact at vertical speed of 3 m ( 10 ft )/s , or 6.5 m (21 ft )/s in naval version , without flare-out . Rafale M has mainwheels, but 520x140R10.5 nosewheels . Messier-Bugatti-Dowty triple-disc  carbon brakes and anti-skid systems on all three units, powered by two hydraulic units and controlled by fly-by-wire system . Both systems incorporate anti-skid system. No. 2 hydraulic system provides back-up braking with an accumulator for parking and emergency braking . Temperature sensor is fitted on each brake. Safran ECU ( Electronic Control Units ) for braking, steering & landing gear. Safran  wheel & brake monitoring system. Standby landing gear extension , with an emergency hydraulic extension handle on front panel , operates hydraulically and does not include electrical sequencing . Manual override handles on flight deck allow landing gear to free-fall and lock in position in an emergency .
Oleo-pneumatic shock absorbers .
Messier-Dowty provides ‘jumper’ landing gear, designed to springout when the aircraft is catapulted by the nose gear strut.
Rafale M has 'jump-start' nosewheel leg which releases energy stored in shock-absorber at the end of deck take-off run , changing aircraft's attitude  for climb-out without need for ski-jump ramp. 'Jump-strut' advantage equivalent to 9 kt ( 16km/h; 10 mph ) or 900 kg ( 1,984 lb ) extra weapon load ; not to be used aboard aircraft carrier Foch , which have 1 degree 30' ramp giving  20 kt ( 37 km/h ; 23 mph ) or 2,000 kg ( 4,409 lb ) advantage . Dowty Aerospace Yakima holdback fitting. Naval nosewheel  steerable plus or minus 70 degree ; or almost 360 degree under tow . Hydraulic ( Rafale M ) or tension-stored ( Rafale B/C ) arrester  hook . Landing gear management (braking  and steering ) by Thales computer . Michelin Air-X light weight nitrogen inflated 320 psi tyre with NZG technology for 50% better FOD (Foreign Object Damage) resistance, and better longevity. Safran PresSense embedded wireless tyre connected electronic pressure sensor that collects information on the inflation pressure in the form of  digital data which is transferred remotely, without any intervention on the tyre, by a reader connected to the FST ( Flight Sphere Tablet ) , and then to the maintenance database.  A much simpler process than conventional maintenance which requires manual pressure collection through the wheel valve and a manometer which is a difficult operation when inflation pressures exceed 200 psi (15 bar). The tyres are composed of Sulfron ( sulfur cured aramide) fibre reinforced vulcanized rubber glued by RFL ( Resorcinol Formaldehyde Latex).
In the event of  failure, shimmy damper maintains nosewheel directional stability and steering is through differential braking .

 Accommodation :

Pilot only,  ( Rafale C/M ) or pilot and WSO ( Weapons Systems Officer) ( Rafale B ) on SEMMB ( Société d'Exploitation des Matériels Martin-Baker ) Mark-16F zero-zero ( zero-speed zero-altitude ) ejection seat , reclined at angle of 29 degree, to improve pilot tolerance to g forces. ( Ejection speed = 15 m/sec ) .

Martin Baker Ejection Seat

One piece of Sully Produits Spéciaux one-piece blister windscreen/canopy , hinged to open right sideways to starboard . Canopy gold-coated to reduce radar reflection.

The comprehensive design of the cockpit provides for everything that aircrews can expect from an “OMNIROLE” fighter: a wide field of view at the front, on both sides, and at the rear, a superior agility, an increased G-protection with 29° tilted seats, and an efficient air conditioning system demonstrated under all climates. The cockpit is fully night vision goggle compatible.

Pilot safety is safeguarded by various systems of the Rafale. Starting with the seat, a tilt of 29º distributes the gravitational effect, preventing G-Loc; even at 9Gs that Dassault’s fighter can pull without surpass the operational load factors parameters, in air-to-air mode.
The cockpit cabin has CPCS ( Cabin Pressure Control System ) maintaining optimum cabin pressure.
KAVLICO pedal position transducer.
The cockpit canopy glass is composed of Saint Gobain Sully shatter-proof tempered glass face plates layered with PVB ( Poly Vinyl Butyral ) layers and transparent PMMA ( Poly Methyl Methacrylate ) Plexiglas acrylic sheets with anti-scratch , anti-glare HMC ( Hard Multi Coating ) , TMSC ( Trimethylsilyl chloride )  bathed hydrophobic coating and EMI ( Electro Magnetic Interference ) coating. Cockpit has ELTA SA anti-ice equipment for heated de-icing and de-fogging of the glass canopy . Also Donaldson Rain Repellant System.
The cockpit has also a CVR ( Cockpit Voice Recorder ) with CVRCP ( CVR Control Panel )  . Electrical opening and closing of canopy through sideway hinge.
RFL ( Refuelling ) DFCS ( Digital Flight Control System ) switch , for maintaining flight stability , during contact of in-flight refuelling probe with tanker drogue.
ECE Systems cockpit interior lighting.
 The auto-pilot and auto throttle controls are also integrated, and are activated by switches located on the primary flight controls.
Standard French flying clothing, including life preserver and g-suit. With the Rafale's Martin-Baker Mk16 ejection seat raked back at nearly 30°, there is no operational need for an upper-body pressure suit. Entry and exit to the B/C models is via a ground crew-positioned vertical ladder, but the M model has an integral drop-down step. Seat height and rudder pedal adjustment is electric.

Display :

Information from the Spectra EW suite, the radar, and the OSF are brought together through modular mission computers and presented to the pilot and back-seater via a modern cockpit with 160 square inches of AMLCD ( Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display ) CDS ( Cockpit Display System ) display space . The Rafale cockpit hardware includes a number of unusual or unique features. The large central  AFD ( Adaptive Flight Display ) screen, which normally hosts the main tactical-situation display, is collimated at infinity. An AMD ( Advisory Map Display ) is included. The physical optics of the "head-level display" (HLD) are designed so that the top of the HLD is directly below the head-up display (HUD). (On most other fighters, there is a small up-front control panel under the HUD and above the main central display.) Imagery from the identification sensor can be displayed on a window in the HLD. This system allows the pilot to switch from the short-term HUD view to the larger tactical picture without refocusing his eyes or dropping his gaze below the head-up display (HUD). Contrary to US or other European practice, the Rafale cockpit uses touch-screen panels. The 6-x-6-in. screens on either side of the HLD are touch-sensitive, and there is a touch-control cursor panel beneath the HLD. One advantage of touch-screen is that it provides more glass area in the same space by eliminating the ring of bezel switches around each screen.

 The Rafale pilot is issued special silk-lined leather gloves, with no stitching ( seamless ) on the fingertips,  to use the touch overlays , and a chamois insert, for wiping the screens, above the fingers. The entire fighter is highly automated, with a single all-electric throttle for both engines and a single start switch. A Crouzet DVI ( Direct-Voice-Input ) system is incorporated, with a 50-300-word vocabulary. Developed by Crouzet, the DVI is capable of managing radio communications and countermeasures systems, the selection of armaments and radar modes, and controlling navigational functions. For safety reasons, DVI is deliberately not employed for safety-critical elements of the aircraft's operation, such as the final release of armaments.

Sextant's Topsight helmet-mounted display is incorporated from the mid-2000s. The fused tactical PCD ( Panoramic Cockpit Display ) display , with a "god's-eye" view of the battle replaces separate sensor displays. Different colors and shapes are used to distinguish hostiles from friendlies, and targets are automatically prioritized. Complementing the god's-eye view is an inset display which shows the relative altitude of the Rafale and its targets.

Crew Training :

SOGITEC SCT ( Synthetic Collective Training) Simulators for initial and hands on training, flight and WDNS ( Weapon Delivery and Navigation System ) procedure learning including repetition of complete missions with complex tactical environments, two ULIS (Unit Level Instruction System )  SST (self-service trainers) and one PTT (Part Task Trainer ) for guided training on key combat procedures. The simulator training centre additionally have RMT (Rafale Maintenance Trainer) and CBT ( Computer-based Trainer) rooms. Technical manuals are documented by Sogitec Industries SA .

Drone :
 A high-profile future option is next-generation computing systems and data links to allow a two-seat Rafale B to control drones for reconnaissance and strike support. Reconnaissance drone would be able to identify targets and even designate them with a laser for attacks with guided munitions launched by the Rafale, or an armed drone could perform the attacks directly. Communications between the Rafale and the drones could be performed over satellite links, and such communications links could also be used by the Rafale to obtain information from surveillance platforms, such as an AWACS or Joint-STARS aircraft.

Dassault has also been working along with the French space agency CNES on a very interesting new scheme for the Rafale, the "Airborne Micro-Launcher (AML)", which would be a spacelift booster carried by the Rafale to put small satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO). The initial concept envisioned a launcher carried on the aircraft's centerline pylon that could put a 50-kilogram (110-pound) satellite into LEO, but new thinking has led to a launcher carried on the centerline pylon augmented by twin solid-rocket boosters, connected by standoffs and fitted to the Rafale's main wing pylons. This configuration could put a very capable 150-kilogram (330-pound) satellite into LEO.
The main potential client is the French military, which would like to have a "quick response" space launch capability. There is also interest in the potential use of the AML as an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon, but that is controversial. The Americans and Soviets worked on ASATs as far back as the 1960s, but never did more than perform test shots with them: once one side started nailing the other's satellites, retaliation would be certain to follow. The intercepts would not merely wipe out the military space assets of both sides, but also strew near-Earth space with debris that would render low-orbit operations very difficult. However, so far the AML doesn't appear to have gone any farther than the concept stage.

NB : POL ( Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants ) are subject to deterioration and contamination of various types, in both storage and dispensing equipment. AMO ( Approved Maintenance Organisation ) should perform  FQC ( Fuel Quality Control ) to effectively manage the quality of POL, as per SPO (Systems Program Office ) maintenance data including regular draining to remove free water present in aircraft fuel tanks to maintain the concentration of FSII ( Fuel System Icing Inhibitor ) , prevent MBC ( Microbiological Contamination )

India specific enhancements : The export versions for India will have certain modifications/enhancements -

1.  X-Guard TDS ( Towed Decoy Systems  ) from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd, Israel . ( Note : Rafael , should not be confused with Rafale. The former is a an Israeli defense technology company . RAFAEL is Hebrew acronym of "Authority for the Development of Armaments" ).  It is an anti-missile countermeasure decoy system consisting of a launcher and launch controller , installed on wing pylon, and expendable towed decoys, in a sealed canister,  towed behind the aircraft, by fiber optic tugline link, to divert RF guided SAMs.  The TRD ( Towed Radar Decoy ) is carried on the starboard side wingtip pod , and the aircraft sends the decoy the requisite frequency to jam through signal by the optic fibre link .  However maneuverability and stealth characteristics can be adversely affected by use of TDS , especially due to need to protect the decoy from the exhaust jet . Moreover short length of tugline can also make TDS ineffective .
2.  LITENING G4 Target Acquisition Pod from Rafael.
3. TARGO-II Helmet Mounted Display Systems from Elbit Systems Ltd. , Israel.
4.  Standby RADALT (Radar Altimeter ) from RAFAEL .
5. Cold start capabaility : Engine Preheater and Oil Dilution system and Thermostatic Bypass Valve - for starting from high altitude areas like Leh , Ladakh, and other high altitude ALGs ( Advanced Landing Grounds ). M88 Fuel Jet-Starter has been optimized to take off smoothly and work from high altitude sub-minus temperature regions so that IAF’s ( Indian Air Force ) operation in Himalayas from high altitude bases is ensured. The Oil Dilution  System reduces the high viscosity of the fuel ( which occurs due to low temperature ) by mixing low viscosity grade gasoline with the fuel. The Engine Preheater functions by blowing heated air over the engine. The Thermostatic Bypass Valve regulates the temperature of the oil supplied to the engine.
6. Low Band Jammer ( LBJ ) : Airborne tactical wideband low RF ( Radio Frequency ) surveillance radar jammer with optimized low SWaP-C ( Size , Weight and Power consumption and Cooling) . The LBJ provides precision direction finding, passive ranging, identification, and threat warning, and was intended for use in very dense environments and in the presence of onboard jamming. This system includes look-through, look-above, and look-around techniques to control the interference, as well as processing algorithms to contend with the resulting fragmented pulse data. The LBJ performes surveillance, radar warning, and countermeasures management in support of standoff and escort jamming missions. The system uses four quadrants of AZ/EL ( Azimuth / Elevation ) interferometer arrays for full azimuth coverage precision monopulse DF ( Direction Finding ) measurement. The receiver is a narrowband channelizer cued receiver architecture with a wide instantaneous bandwidth and multiple cued narrowband channels for simultaneous pulse measurement capability. The system performes real time lookthrough control of the jammers to accomplish all required threat emitter detection and measurement functions without degrading jammer effectiveness. To achieve this, data processing algorithms are used with lookthrough samples providing as little as 1% of an emitter's pulses . The Low Band TJS ( Tactical Jamming System ) onboard system includes the receiver, processor, and aircrew interfaces. The TJS also includes a selection of mission-configured jammer pods carried as external stores. Each jammer pod contains a ram air turbine generator, two selectable transmitter modules with associated antennas, and a universal exciter which is interfaced with and controlled by the onboard system and aircrew. The jammer have a cryogenically cooled transmitter with enhanced frequency coverage, effective isotropic radiated power, spatial coverage, spectral purity, and polarization performance. The Low Band Transmitter (LBT) was designed for 1-3 Band Coverage, with several types of azimuth coverages (omni, bi-directional, or sector). It will be controlled via MIL-STD-1553 direct avionic serial data Bus Control. Operationally, the LBT is missionized by one of four Antenna assemblies (3 Horizontal & 1 Vertical): Horiz Low (coverage Freq Low (FL) to FL+80), Horiz Mid (FL+70 to FL+230), Horiz High (FL+205 to Freq High (FH)). The one vertical antenna can be operated in two sub-bands: Vertical Low (FL to FL+20), and Vert High (FL+15 TO FH). For LBT antennae which can be in either an omni mode or a bi-directional mode, the design called for the Central Mission Computer (CMC) to automatically switch antenna modes to ensure that all threats are covered. For various scenarios  (terrain masking, etc), the operator might can select the antenna mode either in mission planning or manually. The operator  is   able to specify by phase during mission planning whether he/she wants: i) CMC auto control, ii) Bi-directional only, or iii) Omni only. Additionally, the operator is able to interogate an assignment and change the antenna mode; mode will remain in effect until the altered assignment is cleared (either by phase if a phase PA ( patrol assignment ) , or by the operator if a DA ( director assignment ; for directing drones and missiles) , AA ( attack assignment ) , or operator made PA) . The LBJ ( Low Band Jammer ) consists of pod components, Hardback, Ram Air Turbine (RAT), Transmitters, Transmit Antennas, and Radome and including  Ram Air Turbo-Generator (RAT-GEN) and Generator Control Unit (GCU) with very high ERP ( Effective Radiated Power ) .
7. Rafael SPICE (Smart, Precise Impact, Cost-Effective)  EO-guided ( Electro Optical ) and GPS-guided guidance kit for converting air-droppable unguided bombs into precision guided bombs. MIL (Man In Loop ) guidance of TVM ( Television guided Munition ) combined with GPS , provides lower CEP ( Circular Error Probable ) of 3 metres, compared to a GPS only guidance,  for striking high precision or relocatable targets. Glide Range = 60 km. Warhead: Mk. 83 (453 kg) or Mk. 84 (907 kg). Guidance type : CCD/IR homing with GPS/INS.
8. Quad-Pack Ejectors for DEW ( Directed Energy Weapon ) EMP ( Electro Magnetic Pulse ) HPW ( High Powered microwave ) ( in megawatt range ) missile being developed by India-Israel as a Stand Off Weapon ( that is, can be fired from a stand-off or safe distance ).
9. Rafael Popeye Crystalmaze ATGM ( Air To Ground Missile ) .
10. Sigma 95N INS has been coupled by a GPS transreceiver to receive accurate coordinates from India’s own NAVIC IRNSS  ( Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System ) Positioning Satellites.
11. Weather Mapping Mode added in RBE-2 AESA Radar of Rafale.
12. Coding extensions for new weapons : Rafale DH/EH to be compatible with many Indian Air Force specific weapons. These include the new BrahMos-NG   ( Next Generation ) Supersonic Cruise Missile , ASTRA BVRAAM ,  ALARM Anti-Radiation Missile , Kh-31P Krypton ARM ( Anti-Radiation Missile ) and SPICE-1000 PGM (  Precision Guided  Munition ) ( 1,000 lb , 453 kg ) .
13. Modification of Rafale Bomb Bay :  Custom designed bomb rack support for dropping gravity nuclear bombs by bomb cradle with hook release mechanism , through bomb harness locking pin, controlled from the cockpit by the pilot. Also enlargement of the width and length of the bomb bay , and strengthening the undercarriage and bomb bay doors , for the same purpose.
14. Integration of avionics suite with  IAF’s AFNET & Integrated Air Command and Control System (IACCS) which is a military grid to allow command and control operations which will allow Rafale to inter-connect to other Indian assets through a secure data link like Airborne Early Warning & Control , Communication Satellites , other Fighter Aircrafts and also ground assets like Air Defense Batteries and C4I Command Centres.
15. Multi-mode Pulsed-Doppler microwave beam Radar, with look-down/shoot-down capability. Has both scan and track mode.
16. Radio Altimeter ( see text above )
17. RWR ( Radar Warning Receiver ) ( see text above )
18. Integration with legacy Aerospatiale NORD  AS-30L laser guided ATGM ( Air To Ground Missile ) .

Customers :
Nominal French requirement for 286 ( 228 Air Force; 58 Navy ) , of which 180 ( 132/48 ) on firm order. Export orders by October 2018 totalled 84 ( Egypt 24; Qatar 24 ; India 36 ).
Total 126 delivered to French armed forces by 31 December 2013, including 13, 14, 14, 11, 11, 11 and 11 in 2007-2013. These were 39 Ms, 42 Bs and 45 Cs, of which 118 were, actually, on charge at end of 2014. Deliveries planned for 2014 comprised 11 ( both services ), plus first two Rafale Ms upgraded to F3 avionics standard. Eight Air Force Rafales delivered 2015. Plans for only 26 ( both services ) in 2014-19, 146 of 180 contracted ( for both services ) delivered by July 2016. Anticipated worldwide market for 500 aircraft in addition to originally planned 250 for French Air Force ( 225 Cs and 25 Bs ) and 86 for French Navy ; former service announced revised requirement for 234, comprising 95 Rafale Cs and 139 two-seat ( pilot and WSO ) combat versions, in 1992 . Defence economies in 1996 included reduction of requirement to 60 Ms and Ns . in 2013, target set for 225 fighters , all Rafales to be in service with Air Force in 2025.
Naval deliveries began with No. 2 to CEPA ( Centre d'Expérimentations Pratiques de l'Aéronautique navale ; Center for Practical Experiment  of naval aeronautics ) trials unit on 19 July 2000, followed by No. 3 in September 2000 ; service familiarisation began 4 December 2000 when No.s 2 and 3 delivered to Landivisiau naval air base . Landivisiau 12 Flotille reformed 18 May 2001 with aircraft ; first operational voyage began aboard Charles de Gaulle ( commissioned 1999 ) on 1 December 2001, and No. 2 to No. 8 had embarked 10 March 2002, when stationed in Arabian Gulf ;   No.s 9 and 10 received mid-2002 and IOC then declared in October 2002. Full capability achieved 24 June 2004 with formal acceptance into naval service .
Balnce of naval order replaces Super Etendards, 11 Flotille being second recepient; 17 Flotille to follow in 2017, although first aircraft (M37) noted February 2012 before transfer to 11F. Navy received 10 aircraft in F1 configuartion ( actually LF1, which upgraded to partial F1 in early 2002, incorpoarting some air-to-air capability, although full F1, with cannon and MICA and MICA AAM, not due until late 2002 ). These followed in 2006-09 by 16 ( originally planned as 15 ) F2s ; last of 34 ( planned 35 ) F3s due in 2015, all to be based at Landivisiau. Further 12 naval Rafales on contract , version to be defined later. By December 2009, Navy had received all 26 F1 and F2 aircraft, plus first two F3s. Sole unit equipped upto that time was 12 Flotille , which had equipped with F2s and placed F1s on storage. Second Naval squadron, 11 Flotille , formally stood-down as Super Etendard unit on 19 september 2011 to begin conversion to Rafale , first aircraft being M32 . First F3-O4T rafales ( M39 and M40 ) reached Landivisiau in mid-2014, assigned to 12 F and 11 F. Third naval unit to be 17 F by 2017.
Air Force deliveries originally planned for 1996-2009 , including first 20 in interim configuration  ; two year postponement announced  1992 ; further slips in development funding delayed first receipts to 2002 and IOC to 2006 . Only Air Force's first three aircraft 301, 302 and 101 (( two Bs and one C ) to F1 standard. deliveries of F2.1 standard aircraft began to CEAM operational trial units at Mont-de-Marsan in December 2004 ; first squadron , EC 1/7 'Provence', established within CEAM on 1 July 2005, prior to gaining autonomy at St Dizier one year later. By December 2006, Air Force had 24 Rafales comprising 18 at St Dizier and six at Mont-de-Marsan. 'Provence' initially was OCU with establishment of 15 two-seat and five single-seat aircraft.
Following change of designation for historical reasons, second squadron established at St Dizier on 31 March 2009 as EC 1/91 'Gascogne' , having begun received F3 versions of Rafale B from September 2008 onwards ( 328 '113-IC' ) ; following work-up in air defence and attack roles , added strike role with ASMP-A nuclear missile ( declared operational with EC 1/91 on 1 July 2010 ) and AM39 Exocet anti-ship missile . NG reconnaissance pods from 2009 ; at end of that year, all F2 rafales due to have been converted to F3 . At end of 2009, EC 1/91 had received 13 Rafale Bs and, temporarily, eight Rafale Cs. second nuclear-capable squadron expected to form at St Dizier in 2018 in accommodation vacated by transfer of EC 1/7 to Mont-de-Marsan .
However this did not proceed as planned . Escadron de Transformation rafale ( ETR 2/92 ) 'Aquitane' formed 6 October 2010 at St Dizier for training of all French Rafale pilots immediately adding naval aircraft M29 to complement B and C versions. ( ETR 2/92 formed from Centre de Formation des Equipages de Rafale , established 1 June 2010 ) . EC 3/30 'Lorraine' formed 4 November 2010 at Al Dhafra ( base Arienne 104 ) , Abu Dhabi, with three Rafale Cs and three Mirage 2000-5Fs, latter due for replacement by further Rafales. Next squadron to form ( September 2012 ) was EC 2/30 which began working up at Mont-de-Marsan in mid 2011 with Rafale C129 '118-GH' as first aircraft.
Official authorisation to launch production given 23 December 1992 . Initial production contract in 1993 defence budget ( formally awarded 26 March 1993 ), comprising one aircraft each for Air Force and Navy. Total 13 by 1996, while 1997-2002 plan envisaged 33 B/Cs and 15 naval versions ( total 48 ) to be ordered ( and two Bs and 12 Ms delivered ), followed by orders for 15 B/Cs per year from 2003 . In early 1997, French defence procurement agency , DGA , agreed with with Dassault a Multi-year procurement of the 48 aircraft in return for a 10% cost reduction, but this later suspended . Authorisation to order the first 13 rafales was only granted in May 1997, however . At the same time , separate plans were being formulated for acceleration into service of the first 10 Air Force Rafales to equip and export-prommoting and operational trials ( half ) squadron, but those plans also abandoned . Eventually, go-ahead given 14 january, 1999, for 48 aircraft , including 20 options, these confirmed on 21 December 2001. In 2003, details finalised for further batch of of 59 ( 46 Airforce and 13 Navy ) making 120 ( 82 + 38 ) in all, this finally approved on 6 December 2004, with planned deliveries between June 2008 ( B328 ) and January 2012.

Export versions of naval variant were available to potential customers from 1999 onwards. Handover of first three export Rafales concerned  Egyptian DM two-seaters 9201, 02, 03 ( diverted from French production B352-354 ) at Istres , France , on 20 July 2015, with delivery to Cairo by Egyptian pilots the next day . Egyptian AF unit unconfirmed , but aircrew at handover wore patches of previously unknown units '203 TFW Storm' and '34 Sqn Wild Wolves' . Three more ( DM04, 05, 06 ) delivered to Cairo West, 28 January 2016 . First single-seater ( EM01 ) noted at Bordeaux July 2016.
First Qatari Rafale (DQ01) flew to Istres 28 June 2016 for testing.

Future Plans :
As per the LPM ( Military Planning Law ) , 2019-2025, the current number of 254 combat aircraft in service has been retained, and by 2023 the French air force will operate 55 upgraded Mirage 2000D and 131 Rafale C/D, with another 40 Rafale M in service with the naval aviation component.
The entire Rafale fleet will also be upgraded by the modernization of its defensive and offensive capabilities, so as to retain the capability to access non-permissive environments, especially in the presence of Anti Access / Area Denial defenses.
By 2025 , France is to operate 254 combat aircraft. These will include 171 Rafales, including 40 Rafale Ms belonging to the navy, and 55 upgraded Mirage 2000Ds, which add up to 226. The difference will be made up by 28 additional Rafales, which will be delivered between 2022 and 2024 – which implies a rate of 14 per year.
Finally, the LPM ( Military Planning Law ) 2019-2025,  also includes funding to order a new tranche of 30 F4 standard Rafales by 2023, with delivery to take place by 2030. Development work on the F4 is to begin in 2018.

Costs :

Estimated EUR 26..4 billion for 234 aircrafts(2005). Programme originally estimated at FFr 155b (1991) including FFr 40b for R&D ; revised to FFr 178 b in 1993, FFr 198.4b in 1996. Last-mentioned total comprises FFr 48.62b ( of which 25% paid by industry) for development . FFr 17.583b for industrialisation, FFr 76.25b for 234 Rafale B/Cs, FFr 20.89b for 60 Rafale Ms, FFr 37.812b for spares and FFr 1.215b for simulators. Early 1997 agreement on 10% cost reduction resulted in fly-away price falling for FFr 282 million for a Rafale C, FFr 299 million for Rafale B and FFr 315 m for Rafale M. Total of FFr 30b spent by 1995. Second production order for eight aircrafts (1994/1995 authorisations) estimated at FFr 1.5 b , excluding engines, radar and weapons systems. In 1998, however, new cost estimate for 294 aircraft was FFr 320b as a consequence of programme delays, this having become EUR 33,274m by 2004. Cost (1999) of. 48 aircraft given as FFr 17.2b . Introduction of Rafale N version increased programme cost by EUR 274m . F3 upgrade (2004) valued at EUR 659m . Value of Qatar order, as per contract signed on 3 May 2015 ( intention announced 30 April; delivery by mid 2018), for 24 aircraft at EUR 6.7b , including SCALP, EXOCET and Meteor AAM missiles and training of Qatari maintenance crews. On 12 February 2015, France agreed to deliver 24  jets ( 16 two-seater Rafale DM and 8 single-seater Rafale EM) (Version: F3-O4T , Serial : B339-363 and DM03-06 ) , along with HAMMER AASM, SCALP cruise missiles, Exocet ASM, MICA EM ( Electromagnetique ) and MICA IR ( Infrared ) AAMs , to Egypt at a cost of € 5.2 billion ( fully loaded cost = EUR 217m per aircraft; SCALP export however has  USA  EAR (Export Administration Regulations) , Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and ITAR ( International Traffic in Arms Regulations) issues due to  USA manufactured Rockwell Collins NavStorm embedded EMP ( Electro Magnetica Pulse ) RadHard ( Radiation Hardened) SAASM ( Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module) GPS ( Global Positioning System ) chips in USML  ( United States Munition List )  Category XII paragraph (e)(9) ). 
Export to India : Value of Indian MMRCA ( Medium Multi role Combat Aircraft ) requirement order ( 2016 ) for 36 aircrafts at EUR 7.85b, including weapons , India specific enhancement and support along with setting up of Sogitec simulator training centres at Ambala airbase, Gwalior airbase and Hasimara airbase , and also free training for 10 IAF personnel, including three pilots , besides additional guarantee for 60 hours of usage of training aircraft for Indian pilots and six months of free weapons storage without charge (in case the Indian infrastructure is not ready for storing the weapons . The contract comprises of 28 single seaters at EUR 91.07m each and 8 twin seaters at EUR 94m each . Dassault will also provide logistics and ground support and ensure that there is 75% availability, that is 27 aircrafts will be operationally available at any point of time. The contract will include maintenance for 10 years, spares guarantee for a period of 7 years at initial cost of 1.8b euros, attrition compensation, 75% availability, armaments like Meteor BVR, SCALP missile costing 0.7b euros, AESA radar , India specific enhancements costing 1.7b euros, Engine upgrade without mileage loss , Sand ingestion damage handling ( due to operation  from air stations at desert areas in Rajasthan, for eg. Jaisalmer AFS ) , Uprated weapon load, 50% offset (meaning 3.9 billion to be invested back in India ) .The deal also includes simulators, spares, maintenance, and Performance Based Logistics support ( 75% availabity guarantee ) for five years costing 350m euros. While 74% of the offset will be imported from India, the deal also includes price capping,  as on date of signing the deal,  at 3.5 percent on European Inflation Index.

Program cost : 
€45.9 billion (as of FY2013) (US$62.7 billion) . Out of this,  €25 billion spent  for research, design, development and testing , and  20.85 billion for manufacturing 286 Rafales for the Armed de l'Air and Aeronavale ( total 179 numbers ordered till date )
Unit Cost :
Rafale B: €74M (flyaway cost, FY2013) Rafale C: €68.8M (flyaway cost, FY2013) Rafale M: €79M (flyaway cost, FY2011)

Cost of Armaments :
Meteor missile - EUR 2.3 million
SCALP - EUR 850,000
MICA - EUR 2.4 million
Magic  II - EUR 83,000
AS-30L (production ceased ) - EUR 548,000
GIAT 30 791B cannon - EUR 98,200

Development Milestones :

Design began : June 1982
Official go-ahead : late 82
First order ( demonstartor ) - 13 Aprile 1983
Rolled out - 14 December 1985
First flight - 4 July 1986
First flight, pre-production - 19 May, 19991
Production, go-ahead - 23 December 1992
First flight, production - 24 November, 1998
First delivery ( Landivisiau ) - December 2000
Entered Service ( 12F ) - 18 May 2001

Combat Deployments:
From 2006, French Air Force and Navy Rafale fighters were engaged in countless combat missions in Afghanistan where they demonstrated a very high proficiency and a tangible military value. The AASM/HAMMER precision-guided modular air-to-surface armament, Paveway laser-guided bombs, and the 30 mm cannon were employed on many occasions, scoring direct hits with remarkable precision.
On 7 March 2007, France dispatched three Airforce aircraft to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, for support of international air operations over Afghanistan, where joined by three Naval aircraft deployed to the theatre on Charles de Gaulle from 15 March to 16 April. Aircraft had  MICA and SCALP. Following arrival on 12 March, first Air Force opeartion was two days later and first offensive use was 28 March 2007. when Naval Rafale dropped two GBU-12 LGB in support of Dutch troops. First Airforce offensive mission follwed on 1 April . Total 110 Naval and 92 Air Force ( to 25 May ) sorties.
Subsequently used against Libya in 2011, when Rafale B/Cs flew 1,039 sorties and 4,539 hours, naval Rafale Ms contributing further 616 sorties and 2,364 hours. Rafales were the first fighters to operate over Benghazi and Tripoli, and they carried out the whole spectrum of missions the Rafale was designed for: air-superiority, precision strikes with Hammers and laser-guided bombs, deep strike with SCALP cruise missiles, Intelligence, Surveillance, Tactical Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) and Strike Coordination And Reconnaissance (SCAR). During the Libyan conflict, hundreds of targets – tanks, armored vehicles, artillery emplacements, storage dumps, command centres and air-defense systems (SA-3 Goa and SA-8 Gecko fixed and mobile SAM launchers) – were hit with devastating accuracy by Rafale aircrews.
In Mali ( Operations Serval and Berkhane ) 2012 . French Air Force Rafales have taken a leading role in Mali, helping destroy enemy infrastructure and support friendly troops in contact. Four RAFALES undertook the longest raid in French Air Force history, taking off from Saint-Dizier, in eastern France, and landing in N’Djamena, in Chad, after hitting 21 targets and spending no less than 9 h 35 min airborne. The French Air Force quickly set up a forward operating base in Chad, and the RAFALE detachment later grew to eight aircraft. This represented the first time the RAFALE had operated from a FOB ( Forward Operating Base ) in Africa.
Airforce Rafales involved in Operation Chammal ( against ISIS in Iraq and Syria ) from September 2014, followed by naval Rafales in November 2015

Rafale Procurement :
1993 : Rafale B- 1 number,  Rafale M - 1 number
1994 : B- 1, M-2
1995: M-5
1996 B-1, M-2
1999 : C-7, B-14, M-7 ; start of F2 production version; earlier aircrafts are F1; 62nd and subsequent are F3.
2004 : C-36, B-11, M-12 ; announced as 59 ( all F3 ) but contains 6 Air force and 2 Navy aircrafts not funded until 2008.
2009 : B and C - total 51, M -9.
Total : 180 ---- Announced orders subsequently amended. Of 180 on order , breakdown is now 132 for Air Force ( 69 single-seat Rafale Cs and 63 Rafale Bs ) and 48 for Navy. Previously , third  Rafale B had been exchanged for first production Rafale C .

Rafale offered for export :

Rafale DM over Egypt

Rafale has lost export opportunities in Algeria (SU-30MKA – Rafale a long shot), Brazil (JAS-39E/F Gripen NG – Rafale the initial favorite), Greece (Eurofighter, then F-16), Morocco (F-16C/D – Rafale the favorite), The Netherlands (F-35A), Norway (F-35A), Oman (Eurofighter – Rafale a long shot), Saudi Arabia (Eurofighter), Singapore (F-15SG), South Korea (F-15K, Rafale won but politics reversed the pick), Switzerland (JAS-39E Gripen NG), and the UAE (F-16E/F, but could win next competition).

Greek evaluation in January 2000 ; model displayed February 2000 carried two conformal fuel tanks, each of 1,250 litres ( 330 US gallons; 275 Imp. gallons), increasing range with two SCALP missiles to 1000 nautical miles ( 1,852 km; 1,150 miles ) , hi-lo-hi. Rafale B No. 302 equipped with supplementary software to enable demonstration of LGB capability; test separation of GB-12 bombs in April 2000, followed by live drop inOctober 2000.
Offered in With Korea's F-X competition ( 40 aircrafts) , but unsuccessful against Boeing F-15K, early 2002.
Rejected by Singapore in 2004 ( F-15 successful).
Rejected by Saudi Arabia in 2005 ( Eurofighter successful).
Bidding for Kuwaiti order in 2009 - unsuccessful.
Demonstration in Switzerland in 2008 - unsuccessful.
Under consideration in Brazil during 2009 latter needing 36 to meet F-X2 requirement.
Interest from UAE in2011.
Promotes in Malaysia in 2016.
Demonstrated in Indonesia in 2016.
Offered to India for MMRCA requirement, replacing MiG-21s and MiG 27s; competing against Eurofighter, Gripen, F0-16, MiG 35 and Super Hornet; reportedly rehjected in April 2009, but decision reversed and selection announced on 31 January 2012, subject to satisfactory contract negotiations. MMRCA requirement was for 126, of which 108 to be built locally by HAL ( Hindustan Aeronautics Limited ) . However , on 10 April 2015, after three years of inconclusive discussions, India announced it would buy 36 Rafales in a government-to-government contract, with no local production. MMRCA programme was formally abandoned in July 2015, with expectations of a new RFP ( request For Proposal ) for 90 fighters being issued to industry. By April 2016, no RFP is issued. Contract for 36 ( 28 single-seater , 8 twin-seater ) signed on 23 September 2016 in New Delhi.
Rafale secured its first clear export success with an Egyptian order - part of a larger defence contract - for 24 ( 16 two-seat and 8 single-seat ) announced 12 February 2015 and signed four days later. Deliveries began almost immediately, with first three aircraft arriving in July 2015 ; further three arrived on 28 January 2016, then six per year due until 2019.
Qatar signed a contract on 3 May 2015 ( intention announced 230 April ) for 24 ( 18 single-seat and six two-seat ) to be delivered from mid-32018, with options for atleast 12 more. EUR 6.3 billion contract includes weapons and training of Qatari maintenance crews and 36 pilots. Contract finalised 29 March 2016. First aircraft (DQ01) noted 28 June 2016.

French Rafale Squadrons Deployment :

Squadron-----------------------------------Base Aerienne(and Number)--------Formed:
12F-------------------------------------------Landivisiau---------------18 May 01
11F-------------------------------------------Landivisiau---------------19 Sep 11
Air Force:
ECE 5/330 'Cote d'Argent'----------------Mont-de-Marsan(118)------(trials unit)
EC 1/7 'Provence'--------------------------St Dizier(113)-------------27 Jun 06
EC 1/91 'Gascogne'------------------------St Dizier(113)-------------31 Mar 09
ETR 2/92 'Aquitaine'----------------------St Dizier(113)-------------06 Oct 10
EC 3/30 'Lorraine'-------------------------Al Dhafra(104)------------04 Nov 10
EC 2/30 'Normandie-Niemen'-----------Mont-de-Marsan(118)-----25 Jun 12
(ETR : Escador de Transformation Rafale )
( EC 2/30 - began working up at Mont-de-Marsan in mid 2011 with Rafale C129 '118-GH' as first aircraft.)
NB : Escadron de Transformation Rafale 02-092 "Aquitaine" (October 2010–present) , French Air Force is  OCU (Operational Conversion Unit ) ,  jointly operated by FAF (French Air Force) and Aéronavale ( French naval Aviation - French Fleet Air Arm ) . Provence initially was OCU with establishment of 15 two-seat and five single-seat aircraft.

Keywords : Rafale Dassault aircraft fighter combat jet technical specifications operational capabilities

Author : Niladri Sekhar Bose , Research Scientist, Indian Institute of Technology , Kharagpur.
Email :    Tel : 0091-7003366791 , 0091-8902181392, 0091-33-24542057
Contact : 1/F , Monohar Pukur Second Lane, First Floor, Kolkata - 700029 , West Bengal, India